"Twas a little bit before Christmas, and all were in a tizzy.Just waiting for John and his super-duper Christmas quizzy.So gather around and grab your smartest pen, here come the questions; exactly ten.The answers? Next week accompanying my column. So, Merry Christmas; have a good night.1.Just ...
To those of you who attended the "Monroe Crossing" bluegrass concert. We thank you for coming out. It certainly was a cold windy day outside.After the performance a customer who enjoyed the concert very much said. "RLou, how can we getmore people out to these events?" I said I don't know. We ...
People have been pushing for it since early October but now the Christmas season is "officially" here. It cannot begin until the month of December arrives. There's a rule about that somewhere. The Sheda household even got tricked into getting into the season early. For years, the Christmas ...
It was a very cold Christmas evening in December many years ago when I remember walking from the car to Grandma's back door. It was really cold that night, probably in the teens and the sky was clear and inky black. I did not know the sky nearly as well back then as I do now. I looked up and ...
In the book of Philippians, chapter four and verse eleven, the Apostle Paul writes, "...I have learned to be content in whatsoever situation I am in."A little boy shared a story about his mom liking to fix breakfast now and then for the supper meal. One night, after a long and hard day of work, ...
The holidays are just around the corner and it's an exciting time of the year, don't you think? Before sharing what I'm thankful for, there are two very interesting things going on. First of all, did you read where some woman in California is camping out for two weeks in front of a Best Buy? ...
We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.On November 19, 1863, these were the closing words of President ...
Trio 826 will be in concert at the Wieting tonight - Thursday, November 13 at 7 p.m. This is a classical string trio from UNI at Cedar Falls.Since the first concert was postponed the fine arts series ticket packet will still be available for $35 for the 5 performances, otherwise tickets may be ...
The following words were spoken by the late Red Skelton on his television program as he related a story about his teacher, Mr. Laswell, and how his students felt about the Pledge of Allegiance.Mr. Laswell, Red Skelton's teacher, felt that his students had come to think of the Pledge of ...
As you all know the concert for Sunday, October 26 has been postponed and will be rebooked at a date to be announced later.Our next event will be a fine arts series concert called Trio 826, a classical string trio. The performance will be Thursday, November 13 at 7 p.m. at the Wieting.If you ...