
Local Columns

What’s Happening at the Wieting

What are you doing Sunday? If you are like most people of this community you will be at the Wieting watching the Film Festival starring "Floppy and Duane." What memories this show brings back!(See accompanying story at right)How many of you were at the 50th anniversary of the Wieting? The year ...

It’s so cold that…

One of the great passages of generation to generation is the ago-old statement, "Why, boy, I remember when we wuz little that we had to walk five miles to school every day, uphill both ways." Or how about this one, "Why son, I remember getting up so early, we had to wake the animals up." Or to ...

What’s Happening at the Wieting

Thank you for your support and attendance at the Wieting for 2013, now on to 2014. Our events booked so far are:Jan. 19 "The Floppy Show"Mar. 9 "Dances In Company"Mar. 28-30 "Lee Kieler & Green Gravel "Apr. 9 "Iowa Supreme Court"May 4 "STC HONOR"S Art Exhibit"May 18 "Steel Drum ...

The Chelsea Sesquicentennial

Ya know, when you think about it, the "good ol' days" really were the good old days. We didn't have color TV, remote controls, microwaves, air conditioning, cell phones, Internet, riding lawn mowers, snow blowers, cable TV, Super Walmarts or any of that stuff, but I still think it was the good ...

What’s Happening at the Wieting

Jim Roan reported to the Guild at their monthly meeting that the debt still owed on the renovation is now down to $75,000. The Wieting guild has contributed $23,000 to bring this total down.Thank you to everyone for supporting the guild and attending all of the events that have played since we ...

Happy New Year

2014 is breathing down our necks. I've seen quite a few new years begin and I've even managed to remember most of them, although the early twenties, (age not year), were somewhat of a blur. Anyway, for what it's worth, here are some ways to attack 2014, survive it and even feel better about ...

What’s Happening at the Wieting

Our next event at the Wieting is the "Duane & Floppy Film Festival 2014.'Toledo and Iowa's broadcast historian Jeff Stein has assembled a collection of the best segments from "The Floppy Show", "Duane & Friend", "Floppytown Gazette" and other television programs featuring Ellett ...

Iowa Juvenile Home benefactor benefited from his stay

To the people of IowaThank you! Thank you! I am one of, my guess, 10,000 kids from all over Iowa that your tax dollars have help through the services of the Iowa State Juvenile Home, in Toledo. I came from a small town in SE Iowa, from a very poor home, with parents that were unable to raise me ...

What’s Ha[[ening at the Wieting

Let's do a little catching up. First, those of you who so generously donated money to the renovation and are paying it in installments, are you up to date? We would appreciate it if you would check this out. We are trying to get this paid off as soon as possible.Also those who would like to ...

Christmas 2013

If you're at all familiar with this column, you know that I've been in Africa for the past few weeks. This was my fourth trip there and each trip changes aspects of my life, my way of thinking and my attitude about life in general. And since this will be my last column before Christmas, it's a ...