
Local Columns

Toledo Farmers Market

Market Report for August 1stWhat a beautiful night for the Toledo Farmers Market. There were plenty of customers along with plenty of vendors eager to sell.Kristi had a table full of bakery. Devin and Mason had onions, cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli, cucumbers, jalapenos, perennial plants, and ...

What’s Happening at the Wieting?

I have another report about the Camp Creamery performances.The writer of the script about the Aliens in Roswell, New Mexico was in the audience for the Saturday performances. Her name is Jackie McCall. She had a meeting with the Guild following the show. We discussed issues that need to be ...

What A week!!

Last weekend, about fifty Shedas, (some pictured above), got together for their annual reunion. Many states have been infected with "Sheda-itis," meaning only that Shedas live in that particular state. This year we had representatives from Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas, Illinois, Florida, South ...

Toledo Farmers Market

Market Report for July 25, 2014What a beautiful night for the Toledo Farmers market. With a large crowd and 15 vendors the market started with the blow of the whistle. This week Kristi had her delicious bakery. AndCONGRATULATIONS to Kristi for winning the kolache contest at the Chelsea 150th ...

What’s Happening at the Wieting?

Have you ever watched and wondered about the journey of an unhatched egg? Watching the progress it goes through using its beak to break the shell so it can be free to grow.This past week I watched 60 youngsters use their beaks to break loose and develop into performers. They came on Monday all ...

The good ol’ days!

This weekend Chelsea is celebrating its' 150th birthday. Chelsea is a resilient little town, surviving annual floods for most of those years. Thirty years ago or so, the town kind of divided; some opting to go to higher ground and others staying put. Either way, Chelsea has survived and today ...

Toledo Farmers Market

Market Report for July 18, 2014What a large crowd and a great group of vendors on this Friday night of the Toledo Farmers Market. Devin and Mason had broccoli, kohlrabi, zucchini, hot peppers, and a table full of perennial plants. Kristi had her large variety of bakery. Darold was back with ...

What’s Happening at the Wieting?

Camp Creamery started Monday. The students will be performing on Sat., July 26. There will be two performances, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. The program should be about an hour long. Tickets are available at the door. Doors open at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.Why don't you come and see what our local talents ...

The flood, reunion, birthday and other stuff

In my years living in Chelsea, I've lived through many a flood. From the pictures I saw this year, this one looked bad. I am truly sorry for everyone throughout the entire Tama County area and beyond for this disaster. I remember one year, the flood waters flowed right through our home on ...

Toledo Farmers Market

Market Report for July 11th 2014A busy night was had at this Toledo Farmers Market. The Stoplight Festival and the Chamber BBQ filled the air with plenty of noise and delicious aromas. This week at market was a little crammed. But that didn't stop the vendors from bringing their products for ...