
Local Columns

Just Jonathan: Thanksgiving break with Mom

Throughout my life, I wouldn't describe myself as a “mommas boy”. Quite frankly we have always butted heads a little more than we needed too. Oh she’s going to hate that I’m writing this but I’ll do it anyway. Over my five day thanksgiving break this year things looked a little bit ...

Magic Mike 6XL: The Cold War

Let me start by saying that I can take the cold much better than I can take the heat. As my Ma is known for saying, 'You can always put more clothing on, but you can only take so much off.' Okay, so, traditionally my Ma turns on the furnace on November the first. This happens regardless of ...

Just Jonathan: Thinking Thankfully

Oh it’s the most thankful time of the year, I think the song goes like that anyway. With this week being one full of thankfulness, family, and friends, it’s the right time to share some things I am thankful for. To start out, I am so very thankful for our newspaper. Oh course the guy who ...

Just Jonathan: Questioning Tama-Toledo

Oftentimes I see buzz and chatter online about our towns. More often than that, I look around and wonder some of the same things myself. If anyone wants to answer these questions about town, please be my guest; give me a call or message me online, I’m genuinely curious. 1-Why is there no ...

Magic Mike 6XL: The Baby Food Incident

As you may know, I am one in which anxieties tend to grow and fester. And I have a story, which I believe justifies my said anxieties. What you're about to read is a story that has come to be known as The Baby Food Incident. Okay, so we have a friend of the family, a couple. And this couple ...

You’ll Figure It Out: Things I’m Thankful For

"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens; bright copper kettles & warm woolen mittens...." Yep, just like Julie Andrews, Here are a few of my favorite things. The dollar menu at any fast food place. Bumper cars at Adventureland. Love bumping into the other guy. Popcorn. Any ...

Magic Mike 6XL: Calm as a heart attack

Well, I have had a week. And in this week I have learned that I stay calm and in charge during an emergency — as long as I am the one having said emergency. Let's go back to last Wednesday, 9 p.m. I start to itch. My eyes start to itch, my forehead, my arms, my neck, my back, everything. I ...

Just Jonathan: ‘Tis the season

Halfway through November means only one thing, IT’S CHRISTMAS TIME! While I am excited, many around me and online seem to be waiting to decorate and holding off on their bit of holiday cheer. In the last week I erected our Christmas tree, spent way too much money on wall decor, and cracked ...

Pastor’s Corner: ‘Smile! You’re on…’

My wife had to get her driver's license renewed years ago. She’s got a pretty smile and when she smiles, her whole face smiles! So, at the driver’s license renewal counter, I urged her to smile for her picture. Obviously annoyed and obnoxiously impatient, the clerk insisted that she not ...

Just Jonathan: Election election, go away!

The election has come and gone and oh boy am I thankful. Now typically I like to write something entertaining or at the very least a bit of food for thought, but today I am going to complain and wish certain things good riddance. Goodbye endless ads! I will not miss the way you draw the fun ...