

John Sheda

Does anyone remember Gus Schrader’s sports column, “It’s All Hash Today,” in The Cedar Rapids Gazette from decades ago? So as not to get into copyright problems, I simply inserted “goulash” instead. Today, we’re just simply throwing a bunch of things together and hopefully we’ll call in a “well-written column”. No matter how it turns out, I shall perceive it as such, but you the reader may and probably will have a completely different view. If the column goes sour, it’s because, I’M SICK OF WINTER!!! My brain is frozen and snowed in, fingers are numb and I am greatly missing my flip-flops. The only nice thing about this winter is that my showers have been few and far between. Being retired, winters in Iowa and just being a guy seems to add up to a shower just “every now and then.” To until Deb yells, “Mister, get in that shower and this time use soap.” Ok onward and upward…

I’m thinking of making a name change with the column. The Way I See It is getting old and worn out and a change is needed. Love to hear from any readers what you think we could call this column. Let me know and on May 1st, we’ll officially make the change and announce the winner. There could be prizes!!

The Winter Olympics are now over. Did you watch any of them? I enjoyed some of it, but Deb kept me glued to the TV when any kind of ice skating was on. The skiing was tremendous and was a little disappointed with the results of our men’s and women’s hockey games. We were so close to gold. But after several Olympics, I still do not understand “Curling.” Kinda fun to watch, especially the two “sweepers.” Just gotta chuckle every time I watch the entire formation the guys and gals do. We should get some local “Curling” teams going for next winter.

Kudos to ALL OF OUR HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS TEAMS. Congratulations to all competitors. Some teams and individuals did extraordinarily well, while others simply have to think, “Wait till next year.” Regardless, you got out and tried your best. Sports at any level is the great equalizer. At the beginning of a game or match, any team or person can win. Nothing else decides the outcome except the competition at hand. Lucky bounces, game of seconds and inches, tough calls and unlucky bounces are all a part of the challenge. The only question one should ask is, “Did I try my best?” If you did, YOU ARE A CHAMPION. So to all our High School Athletes………..Thanks for giving it all you had.

Folks, around April Fool’s Day, we present our annual “Pet-Peeve” column. What will be John’s #1 Pet Peeve this year? But even more importantly, what is your #1 Pet Peeve? In fact, what are your top three pet peeves? Get them into me as soon as possible, so I can include them the first week of April. If not, guess what? Ya gotta hear all mine again!!

And finally….SPRING IS A-COMING! Guaranteed! And, here’s why…we’re past that God-forsaken Ground hog and the very next event is the end of February and the beginning of March. The only question is, will March come in like a lamb or a lion? Let’s hope the lion is no where around for either times. Soon thereafter this is Daylight Savings Time. Turn your clocks ahead before you go to bed on March 8 one hour. See, there are signs of spring all over. Has anyone seen a robin yet? Then we start to think green. Not the ecological kind of green but the St. Patrick’s kind of green. That’s March 17th. And folks, if all else fails, Spring officially arrives on March 21st. It’s been a long, snowy, cold winter but the signs are all here. And rumor has it that the Old Golf Geezers are getting ready for another year of fun-filled errors, antics and mishaps on the golf course. They are a sight to watch!!!

Ok, now let’s review.

You have homework. Send in your thoughts on what a new name for this column should be. No profanity please!! And while doing so, let me know what one, two or even three of your all-time “pet peeves” are.

Email me at jsheda@indytel.com or give me a call at 319-327-4640. Have a great week.