
What’s Happening at the Wieting

Would you help the volunteers who work at the theatre? If you would please take your trash to the garbage cans in the theatre lobby and place your empty bottles in the appropriate container it would be a big help.

Have you tried having a personal ad made that would run for a weekend? Celebrate any occasion with a personal ad.

Our Fine Arts Series will start Sunday, March 9 at 2 p.m. The program is called “Dancers in Company.” These dancers attend the University of Iowa. If you don’t have a series ticket we will have tickets available at the window for $10 for adults and $5 for students.

We will have a booth at the Home Show on Saturday, March 8. The Home Show will be at the Reinig Center and time is 9-4.

Also, on Saturday, March 8th the Republican County Convention will take place at the Wieting.

“See ya at the Wieting” – – -.