
Local Columns

What’s Happening at the Wieting?

The Wieting Theatre Guild's second Fine arts series will begin this fall. The package deal for the Arts Series is being offered for $35 for five shows and half-price for students.The dates, time of performance and type of programs are listed.1. Oct. 26, 2014- "Guitarist and Flutist - 4 p.m.2. ...

Life and death

An unborn baby, (fetus), has a measurable heartbeat at approximately twenty-one days and active brainwaves at forty days. When there is no longer a heartbeat or brainwaves, we call this "death." And when a person HAS a heartbeat and brainwaves, we call this "life." In fact, the more advanced we ...

Toledo Farmers Market

Market Report for September 12, 2014Market is winding down, but tables are still full. It has been a funny growing season, with funny weather conditions. It was another wet cold market on Friday night in downtown Toledo. Come on Mother Nature, let the last six weeks of market be dry and ...

What’s Happening at The Wieting

This week I want to explore the different venues open to you to learn and keep informed about the "Happenings and Goings on" at the Wieting.First do you visit Facebook? We are there. We have a new Guild member Shayna Zmolek, who will be taking over this spot and informing you about the ...

Touring the Evening Skies

Unfortunately, like so many other opportunities for unusual astronomical events here in Iowa, the clouds near the horizon stole the opportunity to see the Super Moon last month. Once it cleared the clouds, The Moon looked big and beautiful, but it was so far from the horizon that to me at ...

Open letter to terrorists

Well, 13 years ago, you hit the World Trade Center, but you missed America. You hit the Pentagon, but you missed America. And today you continue your horrible attempt to annihilate us, but time and time again, you still miss America. Why?Because you guys just don't understand that the United ...

Toledo Farmers Market

Market Report for September 5, 2014Seven weeks of market are left. That would be 7 weeks everyone. Be sure to come out to the Toledo Farmers Market and make your purchases now. That would be Friday nights from 5-7 pm east side of the courthouse. Be there or be square.These vendors aren't ...

What’s Happening at The Wieting

We had a special showing of "And so it Goes" on Thursday afternoon for the residents of the nursing homes in Tama-Toledo.It was also open to anyone else who wanted to see it.The residents of the nursing facilities enjoy having these events offered to them in the daytime since most aren't able ...

Stereotypes and prejudices

In the past several months we all have been challenged at the way we view the world. Recently the owner of a professional basketball team made some highly racial comments which then became public and right now, we have the on-going racial situation in Ferguson, Missouri. If we are even ...

Toledo Farmers Market

Market Report for August 29. 2014We had hoped the rain would have held off until about 6:30, but Mother Nature had other ideas. With the thunder all around us, we did start early. Some of the vendors had tents, some did not, but that didn't stop Kristi, Devin, Caryn, Darrold, Rod and Cindy, ...