
Local Columns

You’ll figure it out: Teachers make a difference

From Kindergarten, and even Pre-School, on through the 12 grade, students will very soon begin another chapter in their lives--as will each teacher. Everyone begins fresh and pretty much on the same level field. It's up to each student to decide how their school year will be and it's also ...

Magic Mike 6XL: Funky music and the white boy

Everyone has a beat in their feet and a song thumping away on their eardrums once in a while; I'm talking music, man. First of all, I don't prescribe to just one genre of music; I've listened to a little of this, a little of that, and it all mixes together. On my custom playlist, Tina ...

Just Jonathan: A scoop into ice cream

Let me begin by saying this is my stomach talking. All opinions I bring to the table with a healthy appetite, and a slight infatuation with this delicious dessert. Can you make me a more versatile treat? As I let my hunger guide me, I think of all the variations of this most delectable ...

Pastor’s Corner: Get out of jail, freed!

His name was David, a preacher who pastored a church in a midsize town. He told this shocking story about himself. Years earlier, he had been an accountant where he had embezzled significant funds, but never was caught. God convicted him, and he placed his trust in Jesus Christ. He ...

Pastor’s Corner: Home off the range!

Over the course of our lives, we have moved quite a few times and some houses have had their craziness. In Toledo, OH, we had a back door on the second floor...but no stairway. The brick chimney began to fall, brick by brick, off the roof and into the backyard. The closet rained! That is ...

Just Jonathan: A local reporter’s RAGBRAI experience

July 27 will be one of those days I think none of us will forget. As we watched the day come closer and closer, forecasted temperatures went up and up. At one point I read highs of 101 for that Thursday. Luckily those original forecasts were altered and we ended up with low 90 degree weather ...

You’ll Figure it Out: Nostalgia time

For as long as I can remember, August brings out the nostalgia in me. I think it has something to do with school starting soon and eons ago realizing that I had actually passed a grade and was entering the next level. Then it was watching my kids go from 3rd to 4th.........9th to 10th, and ...

Hey, driver! What’s that?

One of life’s little annoyances is a braggart! I read a story about one of these egotistical narcissists. There was a sightseeing bus making its rounds through Washington, D.C., and the driver was pointing out the high points of the city. Passing the Pentagon building, the driver ...

Just Jonathan: Looking back at theater camp

Last week, I attended a children theater camp production titled “The Secret of the Sphinx” put on by Footliters Traveling Playhouse’s and hosted by the Wieting Theater. What an amazing opportunity for so many young people in our community. As I grew up and became the person I am ...

Here comes the — crack — bride!

Weddings are entertaining! Each is different from the other. And the inevitable seems to always occur. I went to a friend’s wedding where lit candles were placed on the floor at the end of each row. The problem was that the candles kept getting bumped and tipped over with ensuing ...