

Pastor’s Corner: You clearly misunderstood me!

Local Columns

Think about it: English language is comical! Politicians throw around the phrase, “Well, they CLEARLY MISUNDERSTOOD me!” “Clearly...misunderstood?” Kitchen cooks complain of something that has “freezer burn!” Something’s burning in the freezer? They call these ...

Magic Mike 6XL: Car soup

Local Columns

As a fat man, I, of course, love to eat, but there is one place I like to eat in particular. The car. Yeah, I know what you're saying. The car? But it's true and it has been forever. Now, I am not talking about eating and driving, mind you. I am talking about riding in a car, watching the ...

Letter to the Editor: Ignorance

Letters to the Editor

The other day I watched a program about the Electoral College, established originally to give Congress 'correctional' powers over the 'ignorant vote of the common/popular folk.’ Remember... Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and Donald Trump won the Electoral College vote and became our ...

You’ll Figure It Out: Politics-Smolitics!

Local Columns

Ya know, for the most part I'm pretty easy going. Just ask my wife. Hmmm, maybe not. But today's column is going to be "therapy" for me because there are things in the political world that's really bustin' my chops. Yea, I'm not a real happy camper these days. In fact I'm vexed to the ...

Magic Mike 6XL: Ode to a toilet seat

Local Columns

I wanted to talk about Thanksgiving this week. Maybe tell some funny story about me and a turkey or something. But I can't. There's something else that needs to be talked about today. I'll begin with the fact that there are four people in my family. And we are all nestled under one roof. To ...

Slices of Life: A new pair of shoes


A new pair of shoes I love my wardrobe. Heck, I love clothes. A lot. But for years (for decades, people) I put that all on the back burner. I was due to the kids. It’s always due to the kids, isn’t it? They always bear the brunt of our angst. We sacrifice for them. Gladly. Because that ...

Magic Mike 6XL: Just another Howard Hughes

Local Columns

At any moment, at any time, I have it in me to walk inside my house and never walk out again. Quarantine was hard for some folks, but for me, it was a nice fall breeze. Why? Because I've done it before, and chances are, I'll do it again. Ya see, as ya know, I am not a normal person. And with ...

You’ll figure it out!: Thanksgiving thoughts!

Local Columns

Hard to believe that Thanksgiving is just around the corner. But alas, it's that "one day" of the year that we have to be thankful for. I guess. So here's my thankful list in no particular order… -Meat! Good hamburger, roast, hot dog....makes no difference, I am thankful for ...

Slices of Life: Being invited


For much of my life, I’ve been the inviter. I enjoyed planning and inviting people to those plans. But in the last few years I haven’t invited much of anyone anywhere. I didn’t have the heart for it. I lacked momentum and (to be honest) felt broken so I took on a rather new role. I ...