

Pastor’s Corner: The easiest resolution!

Local Columns

No use pretending. Why resolve to lose weight? I guarantee you the dustiest item in our house is the bathroom scale. I eye it with contempt, imagine it as a compulsive liar and clean it up only when guests visit. So, all pretending aside, I decided this year NOT to do certain things ‘cause ...

Harnessing the power of the wind in Iowa


The expansion of wind generation has been, and continues to be, a boon for rural development. Wind energy is one of the fastest-growing sources of electricity across the nation. Several Midwest states, including Iowa, are leading the charge in its development, according to recent reports from ...

Magic Mike 6XL: The Christmas Scream

Local Columns

For my family, Christmas, like everything else, never goes perfectly. It's never that Disney cartoon version. It's more like Scooby Doo. Velma and Daphne are in the kitchen. Fred is watching TV. Shaggy is eating everything in sight. The dog is on the couch. Then someone drops dead. It used ...

Letter to the Editor: Connecting the dots

Letters to the Editor

Since no local, state, national or international governing body has the backbone to stand up to the influence of Big Oil money, at least we need to call it out for what it is: filthy dirty money. Individuals or institutions who profit from such investments are either selfishly unwilling or ...

You’ll figure it out!

Local Columns

Dear Santa, I've been a pretty good boy. There may have been a few gitches along the way but to say much more, I probably will ask my lawyer to be present. Just in case! But on a grading system, an A- would be a realistic grade. Not too sure how Deb, other family members or friends might ...

Letter to the Editor: Brenna Bird’s big blunder

Letters to the Editor

Brenna Bird showed up at the Trump Rally in Coralville a few days ago and this is what she found. A candidate that though indicted four times and with 91 charges, saying he loves certain football players, e.g. Matt Whitaker, who served a whopping four months as Trump’s federal AG’s ...

Pastor’s Corner: Santa Pause!

Local Columns

I love the story of the man hurriedly driving home one Christmas season after finishing his shopping. A new law was in effect that if you ran a red light or broke the law in any way, a camera would flash, taking your picture and you’d receive a ticket in the mail. Crunching down on the ...

Magic Mike 6XL: The anti gift giving guide

Local Columns

‘Tis the season for Christmas joy. Tis the season to give and receive crappy gifts. Now, I'll admit it, I don't usually give the best gifts. The things I think about and am sure will be the big hitter fall flat, while those I just grabbed off the shelf; they end up loving. I do have an ...

The fight for clean water in the land of CAFOs


I live in Northwest Missouri…land of corn and beans, and if the corporate agriculture groups have any say in it, the land of CAFOS. Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) are large, mostly corporate farms that house at least 1,000 confined or stabled animals. Since 2019, when the ...

Magic Mike 6xl: Who the hell is Sue?

Local Columns

I like words. Scratch that. I LOVE words. Twenty-six letters make up approximately half a million words in the English language alone. And those half a million words make up absolutely everything. What I love more than words alone is the grouping of words into spectacular combinations. Now, ...