
You’ll Figure It Out: Politics-Smolitics!

John Sheda

Ya know, for the most part I’m pretty easy going. Just ask my wife. Hmmm, maybe not. But today’s column is going to be “therapy” for me because there are things in the political world that’s really bustin’ my chops. Yea, I’m not a real happy camper these days. In fact I’m vexed to the vertex, zapped to the zen. miffed to the maximum and even more perturbed than a peacock without his plumes. Election years and those $%^#$% political ads just get my blood-a-boilin’. So if you don’t mind, let me vent……………just a little.

First off is this thing about the debt ceiling. Don’t politicians just love playing with our emotions, (especially the media), with all the talk about government shutdowns? It won’t happen! Never does! But boy do our powerful elected officials get their share of publicity. Then as usual, at the last minute, (thank God for last minutes), Congress will grudgingly and temporarily pass some kind of bill for the next few months. I think it’s all just a game to them.

A Republican is a Republican and a Democrat is a Democrat except when trying to win each party’s nomination. Then, look out. Everyone attacks each other. Please, please don’t trash each other. After all, you’re on the same side, aren’t your? Both sides do this.

If I were “dictator” of the world, I would, among other things, (I have many) make it illegal, (by life imprisonment or worse), for candidates running for any office to run negative ads. I only want to hear what you’re going to do. That’s all. And it better be the truth and not just promises. Remember, I’m the dictator!!!

Term Limits! Hah! Politicians talk incessantly about wanting term limits. It isn’t true. Never was and never will be. Why would any Washington, D.C. politician want term limits? They can “huff and puff” as long as they want and we get so dog-gone excited hearing this and hoping for term limits but NO NO NO… it’ll never happen. It takes a Congressional amendment to do this. This requires a 2/3’s majority of Congress and a 3/4’s majority of the states to get term limits. It will never happen, but we sure do love to hear them tell us how much they want it too.

Ok, that’s enough. I feel better now. My peacock plumes are looking a little better now and my vertex is not as vexed anymore. Thank you for listening. Let me know what you think at jsheda@indytel.com or call me at 319.327.4640. Maybe you need to get something off your chest.