

Magic Mike 6XL: It could only happen to me

Local Columns

Have you ever stood naked in your bedroom and wondered, "What if a man walks in looking for directions?" Well, you should. Do you all remember that old blues song 'Born Under a Bad Sign'? Well, Google it then; because that dude was singing about me. All my life. I've had bad luck. Or at least ...

You’ll Figure It Out: Thank you Tama County veterans!

Local Columns

On Saturday, Nov. 11, we will tip our caps and simply say Thank You to the 1,012 Veterans today living in Tama County. I wish I could call each and every one of you and thank you for your service to our country and for a job well done. An interesting fact about Veterans Day is that no ...

Iowa Outdoors


The annual August roadside survey of pheasants found Iowa’s statewide pheasant population to be nearly 23 birds per survey route; a 15 percent increase over 2022. The biggest increases were in the southwest, northwest and northeast regions. Our pheasant population is the highest it’s been ...

Slices of Life: Parenting adults


Life isn’t easy. And the epitome of that, perhaps, might be parenting. (Okay, maybe the epitome is death, but let’s take a week away from that topic, shall we?) In regards to parenting being difficult: stop the judgmental comments already. I know what you’re thinking. People who ...

Magic Mike 6xl: Not a holiday. A way of life.

Local Columns

Halloween is no longer my favorite holiday because I am Halloween. Let me explain. There are three main pillars that Halloween is known for. 1. Costumes. 2. Candy. 3. Horror. Now, let's take this bit by bit, number one. I have the same circumference of a Buick Skylark, so going to the ...

Slices of Life: Good news and bad news


In simple terms, life can be summed up as moments of “good news” and “bad news.” I’ve come to believe it’s best to embrace both: the good and the bad because each makes us who we are. Each molds us. Each helps us grow as we are supposed to, meant to, during our time here on this ...

Pastor’s Corner: Dominoes!

Local Columns

As a little kid, dominoes were for lining up in a row and knocking the first one down followed by each successive domino knocking the next one down. I didn’t yet know how to play the game, but had fun, anyway. Recently, we needed new flooring in our kitchen, but our refrigerator was ...

Magic Mike 6XL: Let me sleep, for God’s sake

Local Columns

If I am awake before nine in the morning, chances are I haven't been to bed yet. I am an up all night, watching movies at three a.m. type of dude. I know very few morning people. I don't want to know morning people. The simple act of getting up early in the morning just to get a good ...

You’ll Figure It Out: October — the greatest month!

Local Columns

The title of today's column might be a tad misleading because I don't really feel October is the greatest month. Not at all. In fact, it might not even be in the top 10 of months for me — except for one thing! My birthday is in October. So because birthdays are always special, ...

Pastor’s Corner: Whoopensocker!

Local Columns

As a kid, there were certain things you didn’t discuss in public, called “taboos”...and you’d better have good reason to even bring them up in private at home! Taboos are supposed to be socially banned because they’re embarrassing, offensive or repulsive. One day, I came home ...