
You’ll figure it out!: Thanksgiving thoughts!

John Sheda

Hard to believe that Thanksgiving is just around the corner. But alas, it’s that “one day” of the year that we have to be thankful for. I guess. So here’s my thankful list in no particular order…

-Meat! Good hamburger, roast, hot dog….makes no difference, I am thankful for meat.

-Bumper Cars at Amusement Parks. Been a while since I’ve been on one but what a rush, banging into other cars.

-Potato Salad.

-GPS! Thank you to whoever invented this.

-Blizzards. Ah, the DQ kind only!

-Smell of gasoline. I know, I know…kinda weird but…

-Thankful for a good old thunderstorm.

-Love those grandkids. Don’t you???

-Desserts. Anytime, any kind, any place.

-Elevators. When’s the last time you said thanks to “Otto?”

-Salt & Vinegar anything.

-Buttered popcorn at the movie theaters.

-Healthy foods. Never tried any but heard they’re good.

-Thankful for those old songs of the ’60’s. What’s your favorite?

-Actually, I’m thankful that I grew up in the ’60’s. Best Era in all of time.

-Thankful, very much so for that first cup of coffee in the morning.

-Karaoke. Don’t do it often but when I do! Big Bad John.

-Looking at Christmas decorations, (but not yet).

-Bubble baths. (Come on, just kidding, really)


-Ringing the bell for Salvation Army. Just feel all fuzzy.

-Any Stephen King movie.

-The 5-second rule.

-Christmas Eve Church Service.

-Waking up on this side of the sod.

-Family board games, but not Pictionary.

-Thankful for Iowa’s change of the seasons.

-Thankful for growing up in Chelsea and for my education at South Tama.

-The Geezers. Thankful to be around anyone older than me.

-Finally I’m thankful that my name isn’t in the weekly police report….YET.

So let me know some things you’re thankful for at jsheda@indytel.com or give me a call at 319.327.4640. And by the way, HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO Y’ALL. Honest, I really am just kidding about enjoying bubble baths. Promise!