
Local Columns

Just Jonathan: Change the world, be your best self

Change the world, be your best self Something on my mind as of late has been how we as humans impact the world around us, how you and I can change the world. Something I believe to my core is: being your best self is the the first step in living a happy life. Do what you want to do, help when ...

Pastor’s Corner: Are you deepfake hip?

There are a rising number of words that just don’t make sense at all. It makes me feel like I’m losing connection with my own culture. I’ve struggled understanding what AI means...short for “artificial intelligence.” Maybe I’m not intelligent enough. 15 new words have been added ...

Keep on truckin’

Well, the family bought a truck. Now, this was no quick decision. It wasn't like last week one of us said, "Hey, we should buy a truck." And then this week it's in the driveway. No, this was years in the making. The first mention of getting a truck was back in my high school days. As a fat ...

Just Jonathan: Running, running, running

As many readers of this newspaper may have figured out, I love running. Ever since I did my first 5k race I was hooked on running and it has consumed my life ever since. I can recall my enthusiasm for 5th and 6th grade track and field day and how eager I was to start cross country and track in ...

Magic Mike 6XL: For outdoor use only

Alright, let's get the compliment out of the way right now, then we can move on to the fun stuff. Ya see, the old one, my father, can fix about anything if he puts his mind to it. He's fixed furniture, cars, mowers, doors, you name it. The thing is he doesn't always fix it the way one would ...

You’ll Figure It Out!: Dear graduate

Graduation time is exciting. And often scary, going from the familiar to the unfamiliar but there is absolutely nothing to fear because this column has come to save the day for you. Being a South Tama graduate of 1969, I have learned some valuable experiences, (some positive, some negative), ...

Magic Mike 6XL: Pros, cons, and the near death bugaboo

Alright, so if you've had as many health problems as I've had in my life, there's something you have to deal with. The out of town doctor's appointment. My family has learned to make a day out of it, ya go out to lunch, Goodwill, maybe a few other shops, then back home. It's a pros and cons ...

Pastor’s Corner: The most famous mother of all!

Who is the most famous mother of all? It’s an extensive list of notable women who’ve left their footprint on humanity and qualify for such fame. Some might say that it is Mary, the mother of Jesus. Or other most famous mothers might include Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Nobel Prize winner ...

Dengler Domain: Rain

This year’s weather feels different. With farming, paying attention to the weather is key. Three tabs are open on my phone’s web browser with weather related information which does not include also checking the weather app. The previous two years were so easy. Look at the forecast, see no ...

Magic Mike 6XL: Grooving after dark

Alright, I have a confession. I am about to tell you something that no one in my life knows. I've kept it secret for years, but here it goes. I secretly dance. Yes, you heard that right. Okay, let me be clear about this, there is only one type of dancing I understand. Line dancing, tap ...