The blazing john and the wait for claims
Last Monday morning, as the chilly October breeze blew through town, the usual group of locals met for the week’s supervisors meeting. Starting off the meeting was Marty Wymore of Region 6 Resource Partners, who spoke to the supervisors about the senior public transit services, People Rides. Although no official action was taken, the supervisors assured Wymore that they’d help keep People Rides going.
Tama County Engineer Ben Daleske gave his report stating that they’ll be improving drainage on 215th Street west of Union Grove. Dura Patching will continue to be done this week. Denco is still working on the older bridges of Old 30. A pre construction agreement with the DOT was approved.
HR reported that suspicious package training had been done. Also reported was that a “dry toilet” at the conservation center caught fire. The suspected cause of the flaming toiet, in the shower house, is a discarded cigarette.
The Sheriff’s quarterly report and the recorder’s quarterly report were both approved.
At the time when the meeting would usually be disbanded, the group remained seated as the week’s claims were not finished being calculated. The locals who had gathered for the meeting started to take off, one by one, slowly as the meeting dragged on in a state of limbo. Only a fraction of the original audience had the strength and fortitude to stay until the end of the meeting.
A few minutes after ten in the morning the meeting was finally put out of its misery after the remaining stragglers watched the two present supervisors approve this week’s $102,420.55 in claims.