
Marty Hardon named 2024 Tama Citizen of the Year

Marty Hardon (middle) holds his plaque alongside Rich Jimenez (left) as Eric Haughy (right) speaks of Hardon’s nomination for the annual award.

As is tradition, the yearly Tama Citizen of the Year Award was handed out during Friday night’s entertainment at the Lincoln Highway Bridge Festival. This year, Marty Hardon was the recipient of the award.

He was nominated by Micaela Suchanek, who is one of Marty’s employees at Hardon’s Company. The nomination letter was read aloud at the presentation of the award and Marty was visibly moved and choked up.

Members of the fire department surprised Marty with and informed him he had won the award on Thursday, May 9. He was admittedly shocked.

“I was surprised, I did not expect it. I thought it was an award that was sort of given to older people in the community. I guess I’m one of the old people now,” Hardon said.

When asked about the meaning of the award to him Marty referenced his father, the late Ed Hardon.

“This feels like I am continuing my dad’s legacy and continuing his goals of better downtown Tama,” Marty said.

When asked about what members of the community can do to contribute in a positive way, Marty mentioned volunteering.

“Reach out to your community organizations like the Tama-Toledo chamber and volunteer. Those organizations are in need of constant volunteers to help assist with community events, beautification, and economic development,” he said.

In closing, some thank yous were offered.

“I would love to thank the volunteers that make up our fire and EMS departments. They all work harder than I do. Our city government is kind of taken lightly. However, many of them go above and beyond to help our community,” he said.