
Tama Beautification Committee to meet

Downtown Tama, IA - Summer 2020

The first meeting of the committee will be at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 14 in the large room at the Civic Center. We will practice social distancing and use face coverings. Safety is a primary concern.

The purpose of this meeting is organizational. Some persons will be able to work on beautification projects, but some will only be able to present ideas for projects. Both of these contributions will be welcome.

We need to establish whatever procedures we feel necessary. For example, do we want officers and occasional meetings? What projects do we want to tackle for this year and for next year? What are possible sources for funding if we need materials for projects?

Those people who want to be a part of this effort know a couple of things for sure. First, things can be done to make our town more attractive. And secondly, this is our community, and we care about it enough to contribute our efforts to make it a town we can all take pride in.

-Anne Michael, Tama City Council