
What to know from Monday’s STC school board meeting

on November 21st, 2022

The Board hired three new staff members: Charlie Shuckahosee as Head 7th Grade Boys Basketball Coach, Dustin Peska as Assistant Middle school Girls Soccer Coach, and Judie Womack as Elementary Kitchen Staff.

Elementary Paraeducators Caitlyn Stochl and Carley Bolhuis submitted their resignations.

AD Chelsea Ahrens was approved for an additional overnight trip for two students to attend the Dorian Vocal Festival at Luther College in Decorah in January, accompanied by Choir Director Chris McFate.

The School Board approved the River Hills SBRC Administrative Cost Request for 2023-2024 in the amount of $2,341.08 for special education administrative costs associated with the River Hills Consortium Program.

The School Board approved the application to the School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) in the amount of $108,405 for costs associated with the Open Enrollment Out for Fall 2022.

The SBRC was also approved for $113,863.68 for costs associated with the ELL Beyond 5 Year Program.

The 2021-2022 Treasurers Annual Settlement report was approved.

Resolution Directing the Advertisement for Sale was approved for electronic bidding procedures, and official statements of General obligation school bonds, Series 2022, not to exceed $10,000,000 was approved.

The Dissemination Agent Agreement with Piper Sandler for Secondary Market Disclosure was approved.

Mr. Boley addressed the High School Dress Code 502.07 in relation to hats and hoods. A possible revision has been tabled to a future meeting.

Mr. Adams discussed an emergency management app for the school district to establish a real-time emergency system to notify staff and students in the event of a natural disaster or active shooter on campus. This app will be available to faculty and students within the geofence area of the school district. The app will allow for real-time emergency systems and messaging for staff while providing students with an alert system and Police Department notification in the event of an emergency. He and his team are in the first phase of developing The Safe Track application, which is entering the testing phase within the month of December. Further details will come once the app moves into phase two of development.