
American Legion Post 71, Garwin to host fundraiser

‘It takes more than a tenderloin to repair a roof’

GARWIN – The public is invited to attend a fundraiser for the William Saunders American Legion Post 71 in Garwin on August 19. The goal of the fundraiser is to raise at least $4,000 to help pay for roof repairs to the building. The fundraiser begins at 4 p.m., with live music and food from barbeque vendor Bubba’s Burnt Ends. Festivities will take place in the city park and in front of the Legion on Third Street.

Recently Bubba’s Burnt Ends won first place at the Principal Park BBQ contest in Des Moines and is anxious to bring his award-winning brisket and burnt ends to Garwin. The cost for the meal, which includes cheesy hashbrowns, lettuce salad and dessert is $12.

Musicians Steve Klingaman, and Sandy Pint of the Union Grove Players will be leading a lineup of musicians from Northeast Iowa. Perry Miller, host of a weekly open mic night at Jameson’s in Waterloo, states, “Some of the most talented musicians in Iowa have performed at Jameson’s and are more than happy to donate their time for this important fundraiser. I know how important the Legion is to Garwin and this is something we can do to show our support.”

Troy Toma from Southland Bank, Scotty Gallagher formerly with the Ramblers and Tom Blankenship with T3 will each perform. Together this trio, along with Miller comprises Perry and the All Stars. A band with an eclectic playlist. KIingaman and Pint, longtime Union Grove Park residents, play traditional country music and are also big supporters of the Legion.

All proceeds from the food and bar sales will contribute to the cost of the roof. Donations from the public are tax deductible and can be sent to American Legion, Post 71,601 3rd Street, Garwin, Iowa 50632-9572.

According to the American Legion of Iowa, (www.ialegion.org) American Legions were charted by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, war-time veteran’s organization, devoted to mutual helpfulness. The Legions place a high importance on preserving American traditions and values, and improving the quality of life for our nation’s children, caring for veterans and their families and teaching the fundamentals of good citizenship.

For more information, contact the Garwin Legion at 641-499-0016 and ask for Claude.