
Mid-Iowa Youth Beef Team win scholarships

Pictured are Mid-Iowa Youth Beef Team Scholarship contestants: Wyatt and Wesley Thompson; Henry Kaisand; Abe Dieleman, and Gabe Hanson. -- Contributed photo

Mid-Iowa Youth Beef Team (MIYBT) members traveled to the Hansen Agricultural Student Learning Center on the Iowa State University campus to compete in the 2021 Iowa Cattlemen’s Foundation Beef Scholarship Extravaganza contest on Wednesday, December 8, 2021. The competition requires high school juniors and seniors to complete tests and interviews in ten collegiate sophomore level stations. The team members extend their sincere thanks to everyone that contributed to their contest success.

The MIYBT members were Abe Dieleman (GMG High School) and Henry Kaisand (BCLUW High School) – Fiesta Ranch, 2nd place for two, $2,000 scholarships; Gabe Hanson (Union High School) 3rd place – Benton County Cattlemen for two, $1,000 scholarship; and Wesley and Wyatt Thompson – W² Farms (West Marshall High School), 4th place for two, $500 scholarships. The teams placed first or second in all competition stations.