
Timm is state bound in tennis

CONTRIBUTED PHOTO South Tama County senior Kaden Timm is off to state singles tennis after finishing second at a Class 1A district meet in Boone last Wednesday.

BOONE — South Tama’s Kaden Timm punched his ticket to the 2024 IHSAA Class 1A State Tennis Meet last Wednesday. Timm finished as singles runner-up at their district meet in Boone. With this performance Timm is one of 16 high school singles players to qualify for the state meet.

Timm shared his thoughts on the opportunity.

“I’m looking forward to competing at the highest level for high school tennis in the state and facing off against new opponents,” he said.

Timm added some goals that he has for his first state appearance.

“I want to be able to win my match and represent the school well with how I play.” He also commented on what will help him achieve these goals,” he said. “I think the mental part of the game can be the hardest so if I do well with that the results should show for themselves.”

Timm was also quick to mention those who have helped him get to this point in the sport.

“My coaches and parents have helped me a lot along the way, and my teammates and friends have always been really supportive so I thank them for that,” he said.

Timm will compete at the state meet held in Waterloo on Tuesday, May 21. The STC tennis community wishes Kaden Timm good luck as he competes at the highest level in Iowa.