MAT Tumbling competes at 2017 USTA National Championships

The MAT Tumbling team poses with their trophies earned at the USTA National Championship. Photo Provided
MAT Tumbling and Trampoline recently competed at the 2017 USTA National Championships held in Madison, Wisconsin where over 160 teams gathered to show off their talents in Power Tumbling, Olympic Trampoline, and Double mini Trampoline. Over 65 athletes from the MAT Trampoline and Tumbling Team qualified and traveled to Madison to participate in the National Championships.
This year’s National Championships proved successful for the MAT Team as they took home the honor of being named the #1 Power Tumbling Team in the Nation for the third year in a row.
The MAT Team also came away with several Team Division awards which included: 3rd Place Advanced Beginner Girls Power Tumbling, 2nd Place Sub Novice Girls Power Tumbling, 2nd Place Intermediate Girls Power Tumbling, and 3rd Place Elite Girls Power Tumbling. MAT also had six National Champions: Journey McCartt – Beginner Tumbling; Mikayla Creech -Novice Tumbling; Halie Hohnstein – Intermediate Tumbling; Lyris Kapayou, Intermediate Tumbling Madison Kremer Awes – Novice Double Mini Trampoline; and Giavanna Gast – Intermediate Double Mini Trampoline.
During the Awards Ceremony, MAT power tumbler Stacey Slaven performed a routine and demonstration with the USTA Elite National Team. Stacey has been selected as an Elite National Team Member for the last two years. This year will be another selection year for our Elite athletes.