
Pastor’s Corner: The easiest resolution!

Pastor Mike Nodland of the Christian Fellowship Church in Vining, IA.

No use pretending. Why resolve to lose weight? I guarantee you the dustiest item in our house is the bathroom scale. I eye it with contempt, imagine it as a compulsive liar and clean it up only when guests visit.

So, all pretending aside, I decided this year NOT to do certain things ’cause those New Years resolutions are for the birds. I resolve not to lose weight! Doc said lose it; but if his belt could talk, it would scream with pain.

Here’s my diet plan: I’m NOT going to eat certain things. Coming home from college one day, I asked my dad what he was chawing on. He told me, “Cow tongue!” My buddy sat down with me at lunch one day, opened his plastic food container and the stench nearly gagged me. “What’s that?” I asked. He said, “Goat’s meat!” “Are you kidding me? In the land of beef and pork, you want that?” He moved to another part of the table! Why, I know some folks who will eat anything that crawls, slithers, smells, or must be swatted twice. Like that’s a plan! No, I vow to avoid it all.

Here’s my New Year’s resolution: Enjoy God! Draw near to Him. He’s resolved to love you without fail!