
You’ll figure it out!

John Sheda

Dear Santa,

I’ve been a pretty good boy. There may have been a few gitches along the way but to say much more, I probably will ask my lawyer to be present. Just in case! But on a grading system, an A- would be a realistic grade. Not too sure how Deb, other family members or friends might grade me, but I think pretty good. After all, isn’t Christmas all about “Believing.” Anyway Santa, let’s get down to business about what I want this year.

I really only want two things:

-I want things to return to normal. The way things used to be. In sports especially, let’s return to only about a dozen or so football bowl games. My gosh, just how many are there now? It’s ridiculous. And then, let’s go back to the old way of bowl games; the Rose Bowl having the Big Ten vs the Pac-Ten teams play each other. Orange, Cotton and other bowl games would do likewise. While we’re still on football, let’s go back to the Big Ten being a conference of TEN TEAMS. It’s the “Big Ten” for a reason. And no more “challenges” in football either. Stop with all that super, super slow motion replays. Methinks it’s making things worse. If the players remain human, let the referees be human also. Mistakes are always a part of the game. BY THE WAY, DON’T GET ME STARTED ON BASEBALL. That’s for my Spring Training column. 700 million dollars for a baseball player! That’s even more than our Editor makes!

-Speaking of Christmas, Holy Moly, what’s the big “tadoo” about a Nativity scene in Toledo all about? Part of the 1st Amendment in regards to religion is “not to prohibit the free expression thereof.” It looks to me like this is simply one of those “free expressions” the Fire Department showed. Although as my Dad used to say, “Johnny, you’re not the brightest lightbulb in the package,” as I see this “nativity scene,” I see absolutely NO RELIGION ANYWHERE. All I see, and I’ve seen many nativity displays over the years, as have every one of you, but nowhere is there a specific religion mentioned or shown. I don’t mean to be “pickiunis,” but aren’t those naysayers being as such? If you look closely at displays such as this one, it shows a man & a woman with a baby between them, a few animals, some people of royalty presenting gifts of some sort in some kind of outside building. What people infer when they see a display like this is up to them, but nowhere is there a direct mention about religion. Harumph!

Oh I did say I had two things I wanted. Here’s my second thing Santa, thank you for my hometown of Chelsea, my years at South Tama, being a graduate of the greatest class (1969) and a whole bunch of Tama County characters Deb and I’ve known over the years. And just for the heck of it, Merry Christmas to everyone and you too, Jim Roeder. Gotcha my friend. Let me know what you think at jsheda@indytel.com or call me at 319.3274640.