
You’ll Figure It Out: Chelsea Characters!

John Sheda

One of my first articles in the Tama News, (has it been 10 years), was about the many “characters” that have lived in Chelsea over the years. Not famous by worldly standards for sure but definite well-known celebrities in the history of Chelsea.

After reading the wonderful obituary of Gary Lamb in the paper last week, I realized how much of a character Gary was — perhaps one of our more prominent ones. I even think I baled hay for Gary a couple of times and if my memory serves me right, I might even have quaffed a few beers at his Rainbow Lake farm.

Reading his obit got me thinking of some other Chelsea characters. Here are several.

I remember Lawrence Hayek and his wife Bernice. Lawrence was our town mechanic and had his garage on the south side. I especially remember that in the back where his office was, one might be able to find a “pin-up” or two which was quite interesting to us boys of ten or so. But you better not let Lawrence catch you. You had to be sneaky!!! And we were!!. Lawrence and Bernice eventually moved to Belle Plaine and operated The Oasis bar there. Spent a little time there as well.

Another Chelsea character was Jim Smith and his wife Elva. Jim shelled corn for a lot of the farmers and along with Elva, and were poker players along with my Mom & Dad as well as Leo and Eleanor Zhorne, (who were characters in their own right). I believe Jim had his pilot’s license and at the request of Dad, Jim took me for a plane ride one beautiful Sunday afternoon. Jim was a practical joker and while in the air, he “feigned” having a heart attack. Yes, he really did. The plane began descending slowly and Jim coughed, sputtered and held his chest. It seemed like an eternity but probably only about 15 seconds and then he opened his eyes and winked at me. I never went with him again!

Does anyone remember Swalm’s Drug Store in Chelsea, owned by Charles and Al Swalm? Now these were two characters for sure. They had a couple of crows that always asked the question, “what for?” One of them, (Al or Charles, not the crows), impressed us kids from time to time with magic tricks. Boy, could he make a quarter disappear. We loved reading the comic books and eating popsicles from his big freezer. I guess both of them were minor league professional baseball players before coming to Chelsea. For a kid, Swalm’s Drug Store was a magical place to hang around in.

As I’ve stated so many times, Chelsea, (just like your old stomping grounds), was the greatest place in the world to grow up in. And the aforementioned “Characters” are just a few of the many characters Chelsea produced. We will have to stroll down memory lane again sometime soon. So to my Chelsea-ite friends, who are some “characters” you remember? Let me know at jsheda@indytel.com or better yet, give me a call at 319.327.4640. Love to catch up with you.