
You’ll Figure It Out: Take Time To Celebrate!

John Sheda

Life is tough! Probably no argument there, right? No one gets through this thing called “life” without a few bumps, scratches and bruises.

And it can be so easy to just live by Murphy’s Law—but why? Years ago there was an old TV beer commercial, (can you recall what brand), that say “You only go around once in life, so go with gusto”.

It’s interesting that in the “Good Book” Jesus began his public ministry attending a wedding and because of miscalculations from the groom, the party ran out of wine. I can only imagine the humiliation at Chelsea weddings if they ran out of “pivo.” For all us Bohemes, that would of been the end of the wedding and the talk for weeks. It just couldn’t or wouldn’t happen. Well, the same was true at a Jewish wedding. You know the story—Jesus at the request of his Mother, turned a whole bunch of jugs of water into the finest tasting wine anyone had ever tasted. Yes, it’s really in the Book!!

Jesus was not about to let the celebration fizzle out. In fact, he became the “life of the party.” Yes, folks, contrary to popular belief, Jesus loves to celebrate. AND WE SHOULD TOO!! Life’s too short to be some kind of “Debbie Downer.” A few years ago, I was sitting next to a 98 year old lady and I asked her how she was doing. She replied, “I woke up this morning on this side of the grass so it sure started out good.” Then she said, “And it’s getting better and better.” Now that’s the attitude to have, isn’t it.

Now getting back to the “Good Book” again, we’re told that at the end of time, (Revelation 19:7-9), God puts the finishing touches on life with another wedding feast. This time the Church is the bride and God is the groom. So in essence, Jesus started things off with a celebration at a wedding and he ends it with another celebration at a wedding. So it seems that God’s advice to all of us is quite simple—LEARN TO CELEBRATE LIFE!!

Learn or re-learn to laugh again, smile again, enjoy life again. Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and anything else you can think of. Go to the Amanas during the Christmas season; go to a movie; take your spouse out to eat for no reason whatsoever, give your waitress a generous tip, compliment several people each day and by golly, learn a good joke (clean one) and share it with friends, Tell a funny story that you laughed so hard that tears came. Last Friday evening, I attended Karaoke night at the local VFW. Wow. Had a wonderful time. And I sang three songs.

Celebrate life even when the chips are down. And know this, You’ll Figure It Out at jsheda@indytel.com. Here’s one to start you off — What do you call a lazy Kangaroo?? Ha ha ha — a Pouch Potato. Call me with your best joke at 319.327.4640.