
A Glance at the Past: February 1948

Jim Sorensen, a local high school athlete, has advanced to the Golden Gloves tournament to be held at Cedar Rapids. Appearing in the ring for the first time and fighting in the 160-pound class, Sorensen, a southpaw who starred in football for Toledo high school, won the right to enter the Cedar Rapids tournament by winning two TKO and a decision in three bouts at Iowa City. In his first appearance, Sorensen won a TKO over Jim Neidiffer of Iowa City in one minute and 36 seconds of the second round. Sorensen outpointed his opponent in the first round and ended the bout with a terrific left to the mouth that sent two of Neidiffer’s teeth flying. In his second bout, Sorensen won a three-round decision from Bill Kurdelmeyer of Elkader.

In the finals, Joe Merfield of Cascade lost to Sorensen in the second round by a TKO, the referee stopping the fight at the end of the round. Sorensen’s happiest moment probably was when, after receiving his 1948 Golden Gloves jacket, he got Murray Wier, diminutive hot-shot scorer of the S.U.I. basketball team, to autograph it.

Walter J. Willett, Tama county attorney, issued the following statement in regard to the latest incident of lawlessness occurring on the Sac and Fox Indian Settlement and in which he decries the lack of authority of Tama county officials to prosecute. On Sunday afternoon, the Indian store located on the Sac and Fox settlement and operated by an Indian, Frank Leaf, was broken into and robbed. Arthur Blackcloud, an Indian, was apprehended inside the store by Mr. Leaf. Leaf told the officers that Blackcloud had gained admittance by breaking a window. The contents inside the store were strewn about the floor, and about $14 was missing from the cash drawer. The sheriff’s office was called, but after learning of the complaint, the party was informed that the state of Iowa is without legal authority to protect Indian property on the settlement. No charges were filed. This again brings to light the further need for some kind of law and order, says Mr. Willett, county attorney. The board of supervisors has instructed Willett to do any and all things possible to bring about an end to this situation.

In the first bracket of tournament play in the 1948 girls’ sectional basketball tournament at Montour, eight teams advanced into the second bracket. Toledo, Clutier,

Garrison, Green Mountain, and LaMoille advanced to the second stanza by drawing a bye. LeGrand defeated State Center 47 to 37; Garwin won over Dinsdale 40 to 22, and Montour upset the State Juvenile home 68 to 12 to step up into the second round. Clutier defeated Garrison by the top-heavy score of 99 to 26 to start off the second-round games. LaDonna Hora was the high scorer for Clutier, sinking 30 points. Green Mountain meets LeGrand in the second game of the second round. The Toledo Raiderettes battle Garwin for a place in the third round, while LaMoille meets Montour for a further chance. The third round will be played on Friday evening, with Clutier meeting the winner of the Green Mountain-LeGrand contest. The winner of the Toledo-Garwin game meets the winner of the Montour-LaMoille game. The consolation will be between the two losers. Winners of the third-round games will battle for the championship, with Clutier the odds-on favorite to top the tournament. The state championship finals will be held in the Drake fieldhouse in Des Moines.

Dewey Youngbear, an Indian veteran of World War II, was buried at the Mesquakie Indian settlement in an impressive ceremony combining the American Legion and Indian tribal rituals. Youngbear, 22, a prisoner of the

Germans, for many months, died of pulmonary tuberculosis at Fitzsimmons General Hospital, Denver. He is thought to have contracted the disease while in the German prison camp. He served four years and five months during the war, winning three bronze stars and the good conduct medal. He was taken prisoner in North Africa while participating in the Algerian-French Morocco and Tunisian campaigns. This was the first military funeral conducted by the newly organized Robert Morgan post of the American Legion located on the Indian settlement. The Toledo Legion post was represented by Third District Vice Commander P.H. Overturf and Past Commander W.H. Hufford.

Kremenak shoe store is in its 70th year of operating, being owned by Ronald Kremenak’s third generation to operate the store. Started by Ronald’s grandfather, J.W. Kremenak, who came to Toledo in 1878, the store was first located in a shop where the Twin City Motor company was located. Here the elder Kremenak made most of the shoes and boots which he sold in the front of the shop and lived in the back of the store. One of the older Tama county histories says of J.W. Kremenak: This gentleman, by energy, good management, and skillful work, has already built up an extensive business and has

gained a good name for integrity and is classed among the liberal merchants of the city. He is located on Broadway {present location of the Ford garage}, where he has one of the neatest stores and stocks in the town. Later with his brother, the late Joseph Kremenak, father of F.J. Kremenak of the Tama County Farm Bureau staff, he operated a shoe store where Attorney Kremenak’s offices are now located. [Anyone remembers where Attorney Kremenak’s office was located?]. Taking over the site where a Chinese laundry was operated, J.W. Kremenak built the present building where the shoe store is located in 1897. In 1901 his son, the late Edward Kremenak became associated with him in business. J.W. Kremenak died in 1935, and Edward and his son Ronald operated the store until Edward died in 1944. [When the Kremenak building was razed recently, the name “J.W. Kremenak” was still visible on the front of the store].

The United States Army is returning 2,792 World War II dead from the Pacific, including 59 whose next of kin is recorded as residing in Iowa. This is the second group of honored dead to be returned from the Pacific under the government program, which allows next of kin to determine final disposition. Among the dead arriving at

the Western port are the bodies of Corporal Stanley E. Friedrichs of Toledo and AMM3 Lynus M. Briggs of Traer, the latter a member of the navy during the war. The Toledo youth, who was only 19 years old when he enlisted, was the first Toledo man to give his life in World War II. Stanley was sent to the Pacific area after receiving his training at the Marine base in California. While there, he received distinction as a marksman. He also received recognition in bayonet drills. He was promoted to corporal while still in training. Stanley was the son of Mrs. Albert Eberhart of Toledo and Albert Friedrichs of Tama. He was born in Highland township and resided in Tama county up to the time of his enlistment. He graduated from Toledo High in Toledo in June 1941 and two weeks later, enlisted in the marine corps. Following the completion of his training at San Diego, he was sent to the Pacific war theater. Stanley’s death came on November 20, 1942, and on December 28 of that year, his mother received tragic news from the war department. It is not definitely known when Stanley’s body will arrive in Toledo. When it does arrive, it will be accompanied by a military escort of honor. His final resting place will be in Oak Hill Cemetery, Tama.

The Oak Grove School, Toledo No. 2, which opened for the first time on March 25, 1870, was closed in 1948 and will not reopen for the present due to the lack of scholars. The only remaining pupils are Stanley Bauer and Donna Fletcher. They start school in Toledo Monday. Max and Janet Goodhart will attend the Toledo school as soon as they move, and Freddie Weaver will attend the Sugar Creek school as soon as he moves. The first schoolhouse was built of stone. Some of the first records were lost, but in the year 1877, John Filloon, Edwin Bunce, and Ezra E. Foster were the directors. At one time, the school had only two scholars but did not close. They have had as high as 26 pupils attending.