
Take a Mulligan: Give Thanks

John Sheda

St. Paul challenges us in Ephesians 5:20 “To give thanks to the Father for everything.” Of course, not all of life’s circumstances are always worthy of thanks, but probably in any circumstance we go through, we can find others going through much worse. So, although difficult, it is a worthwhile quest to at least try and give thanks for as much as you can. Life becomes a little sweeter if we can do this.

The following are a whole bunch of things to be thankful for. Some you may agree with while others may not but nonetheless, with Thanksgiving upon us, here are about sixty things in no particular order, to be thankful for: love, laughter, music, cell phones, movies, books, shoes, your job, your bed, your home, your soul mate, your mistakes, life’s challenges, computers, blogs, the Tama News, time, your parents, your children, those beautiful grandchildren, (should-a had them first), your friends, sense of sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste, your speech, your heart, your hands, your legs & feet, your mind, your good health, your school, your teachers, tears, disappointment, fears, pain (for helping you become a stronger person), sadness, happiness, the sun, a beautiful sunset, fresh snow, (Ok, maybe not), the fall colors, a trip to the Amanas, a baseball game & hot dog, watching a little league game, listening to your child or grandchild in the band, a gorgeous sunrise, mother nature for its’ beauty, your church family, your friendly senior center, hugs, strong handshakes, singing your favorite song, re-watching your favorite movie, (love John Wayne), winter walks in the mall, summer walks in the park, nurses, (I have two), marriage, (48 years for us), birthdays, ice cream, whistling, those good old TV shows & cable to be able to watch them, a candlelit dinner with a loved one, a car that runs, has heat & a GPS, a grand father that listens, a grand mother that still kisses you all over, a favorite uncle, an aunt that never forgets your birthday, your friends, especially your best friend and also your enemies, who after all are eager to remind you that you’re not perfect and can actually help you become a better person.

Well, these are a few things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving, and oh, yes…I’m thankful. I’M NOT A TURKEY. Although a few think I am. The list we all can be thankful for can go on and on, which is exactly what each one of us should do. This Thanksgiving, go around the table and keep sharing things you’re thankful for. Keep going and going, but don’t let the mashed potatoes get too cold. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL, AND TO ALL, A GOOD NIGHT.

Please email me at jsheda@indytel.com or call me at 319-327-4640 and share with me. I did approve this message!!