
Take A Mulligan, (Litertally)

John Sheda

As you are well aware, this column is called “Take A Mulligan.” For the few that never heard this phrase, it comes to us from the world of golf. Some golfers, when they hit a bad shot, say, “I’m taking a mulligan,” meaning “I’m gonna to hit again.”

The essence being that in life sometimes when something goes bad or wrong, one should get to have a “do-over” albeit mulligan sounds so much better. Why am I boring you with this silly explanation? Very simple….


As I’m writing this column on Tuesday morning, the results of Monday’s Caucus results were still not in. I believe everyone, and I mean everyone, expected the all the votes counted, tabulated and announced by the 10 PM news……………at the latest. We all thought that was the “Monday 10 PM News.” CNN, MSNBC, FOX NEWS, ALL THE LOCAL STATIONS AND WHO KNOWS WHO ELSE…………PERHAPS PUTIN ALSO, WERE ALL HERE. Ready, set, go kind of ready. Been here all weekend kind of ready.

Excitement at fever pitched levels. For months and months and months…(ok you get the idea), the hype was spotlighted on our grand state. Everybody who was anybody and plenty of nobody’s were here. The time the candidates spent here in the great state of Iowa, telling us their hopes, dreams and plans for Iowa and the entire country. Most of their mantra was highlighted with “Trump Must Go, Trump Must Go,” as their main campaign promise. Oh yea, free education, free health, free money every month, free tickets to Adventureland, season tickets to University football, basketball & wrestling, free groceries…..well, you get the picture. We love free! And they promised us just about everything anyone could want.

So the big night comes. Who will get that first big bump to the White House? Six months after candidates from all over our great country visited the great state of Iowa, time and time again, the big night had finally arrived. The winner for sure would absolutely believe it was worth the effort expended. Some further down the list would have to re-group and decide whether to continue on or not. After all, it’s quite time-consuming and expensive to run for President and a lot of time and money was spent in Iowa. Because immediately after Caucus night, everyone bolts out of Iowa, never to be heard from again, heading for New Hampshire and start the ride all over again.

Well, it’s Tuesday here and it’s Thursday or Friday that you’re reading this. YOU ARE READING THIS, AREN’T YOU??? I’m sure the winner was sometime announced but not as of 10 am Tuesday, February 4. And everyone’s gone. The candidates all gave “Pre-Victory” speeches Monday evening before skedaddling out of the state. Iowa’s big moment has come and gone. Not sure who won yet, and probably no one cares anymore but I sure know who lost. Any guesses???

But wait, wait, wait…………………….”LETS TAKE A MULLIGAN.” Come on, everyone come back. Time for a do-over. What? Hey? Who turned out the lights? Let me know how you feel about all this at jsheda@indytel.com or even a call at 319.327.4640.

“Hey Mulligan Man……………………..”