
Black Friday-now, black plates!

Pastor Mike Nodland

What is it with black? Now, we have black license plates. I remember when the plates were black on white, then going to colorful license plates. I liked them.

The business world enjoys “being in the black.” As a kid, I drank “black cows.”

Blackened skies are not a good signneither are black eyes, black ice, nor black outs.

Sometimes, black wouldn’t cut it. Imagine if red stop lights were replaced by black lights, or black ink were replaced with white ink, black teeth were cool and white teeth were not, and dirt behind your ears were a good sign. And what about little white lies?

It all seems to come down to your perspective on things. Personally, I like God’s color wheel: black was my sin, red was the color of my Savior’s blood that cleansed me of all sin, white as snow is what Jesus declares me to be when He poured His red blood on my soul. And gold are the crowns and heaven’s streets that await me! Take away black Fridays and black license plates any dayI’ve still got a rainbow God Who cares about my soul! What color is yours?