
Toledo Farmers Market

Dawn Troutner Toledo Market Master

Market Report for June 29, 2018

With a crowd wilting the whistle blew at 5pm for the start of a scorching Toledo Farmers’ Market.

The Toledo Farmers’ Market sends out our deepest condolences to Kristi and her family on the loss of her father.

Caryn was set up with jams, caramel corn and taco, sweet & salty, ranch, snickerdoodle, cheesy bacon, puppy, oyster, taco oyster snack mixes.

Cindy arrived with kohlrabi, cauliflower and cabbage.

Baley was busy baking with assortment of breads, and small and large pies. She also had her cork art.

Darold brought turnips, broccoli, beets and Napa cabbage.

Shirley and Michael had angel food cake, kolaches, buchty, and rolicky.

Chuck and Ginger brought pies, breads, crisp, kohlrabi, popcorn, broccoli, black raspberries, potatoes, cabbage, sugar snap peas, black walnut meats, and eggs.

Janet arrived with houseplants, breads, corn bread, eggs, and pan cookies.

When Joe and Barb was set up they had breads, crisp, pies, granola, yeast breads, broccoli, kohlrabi, Napa cabbage, cabbage, and kale.

Julie had her gorgeous plate art. Each week she has a new piece added to her display.

The Bunny Farm arrived with kohlrabi, jams, kale, lettuce, black raspberries, dry beans, jalapenos, zucchini, cabbage, dandelion greens, beet greens, granola, and cupcakes. Bill brought his guitar a few friends joined in on a music jam.

Ryan with Fanciful Fibers brought his llama products, socks, hats, rugs, yarn, dryer balls, cat balls, bird nesting, and his felt hats. He also brought Hummin’ stuff natural fertilizer that is kiln dried. It has no odor and will not burn plants as other natural fertilizers and it acts as a time release fertilizer due to its bead form and breakdown time. Carol was along this week with her embroidering tea towels and pillowcases. Ryan had been busy all week making a new felt hat. Ask him about the wide brimmed hat.

Even though the heat was on you can see it didn’t stop a few vendors from working hard to provide their customers with appetizing products.

Today (July 6) is the Stoplight Festival. The market will still be going on so be sure to come on out and make your favorite purchases. See you at market.