
What’s Happening at The Wieting

This week I want to explore the different venues open to you to learn and keep informed about the “Happenings and Goings on” at the Wieting.

First do you visit Facebook? We are there. We have a new Guild member Shayna Zmolek, who will be taking over this spot and informing you about the Happenings at the Wieting. She plans to do her updates on Wednesday or Thursday so keep an eye open for this.

Secondly have you gone online for the Wieting Word? Reading about the current movies available here. Go to wieting.tamatoledo.com

Checking our answering machine at the Wieting will also keep you informed of the upcoming movies and special events tasking place there.

We have an ad about the movie in the Chronicle, Tama County Shopper and Tama News-Herald every week. We also have an ad listed in the “Applause” section of the Marshalltown Times-Republican every Thursday.

I hope this helps you to find where information is available.

“See ya at the Wieting” _ _ _.