
Open letter to terrorists

Well, 13 years ago, you hit the World Trade Center, but you missed America. You hit the Pentagon, but you missed America. And today you continue your horrible attempt to annihilate us, but time and time again, you still miss America. Why?

Because you guys just don’t understand that the United States of America is not about buildings, financial centers or anything like that. We aren’t about a place or just a bunch of bodies. America is about an IDEA. An idea that you can go someplace where you can earn as much as you can and live for the most part, like you want to and to pursue “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” I wonder just how happy you terrorists are. Your hatred for simple ideas and pleasures have destroyed whatever happiness you had. How sad! So go ahead and whine your terrorist whine and chant your terrorist litany; “Death to anyone who doesn’t believe the way we do.” You see, this concept is alien to Americans. We live in a country where we don’t have to see your point. But, you sure are free to have one. We don’t have to listen to your hate speech but your free to say it.

I’m not sure where you get the idea that everyone has to agree with you. Heck, we seldom agree with each other as you certainly have noticed in our political arena in Washington. It’s almost a matter of pride to disagree with one another. We’re a collection of people who don’t agree, which is why we’re called “States.” But mark my words, WE ARE UNITED! And united we will stand. United we will fight. United we will win. That’s a guarantee!

Sorry, but you’re not the first bully on our shores, just the most recent one. And yes, sometimes it looks like to the world that we’re soft, weak and afraid, but mark my words…when we get pushed into a corner you will have wished you stayed away from America. We were the FIRST, and so far, the only country to use nuclear weapons in anger. Horrific idea, nowadays? Here’s news to you Bucko…it was way back when but we used them anyway. Only had two of them and we used them both. We knew it was a tough and terrible thing to do, but we had a War to win. Does this tell you something about the American Resolve?

So, you’ve declared War on us? Well, understand this. You better start sleeping with one eye open because you’re pushing us into a corner again. We tried talks, we’ve tried to understand, we’ve even made attempts to negotiate but nothing has worked. You still hate us and you continue to try to destroy us.

IT WON’T HAPPEN! It simply won’t happen. Let me repeat that…..”It ain’t gonna happen.”

You see, we are a nation conceived under the blessings of God. On every coin we have the phrase, “In God We Trust.” And it might not look like it often, but deep down we still do. And another thing, you seem to think that we live in America, but that’s just not true. America lives in each one of us. It’s called The American Spirit. And killing several thousands or even millions or beheading our fellow Americans won’t change that. Most of the time, we’re just a pretty happy-go-lucky kind of Spirit. Until we finally say, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.” You attack us in the most cowardly of ways but one day you will face us and once again you won’t be happy with the outcome.

Americans since our birth have had a different kind of spirit. Just you wait until you see what we do with that Spirit, this time. Sleep tight, if you can. We’re coming.

That’s The Way I See It. Let me know how you see things at jsheda@indytel.com or call me at 319.327.4640.