
And the winner is…

John Sheda

It has been said that confession is good for the soul. Well, that probably depends a lot on what one is going to confess. Here is my confession…I probably watch too much TV. There, I said it and I feel better now. But the reason I made this confession is that I’ve certainly noticed all those celebrity awards shows. I don’t watch them because they’re so full of themselves, what with the red carpet walk, the 3-hour preview before the ceremonies, the interviews and the audacious descriptions of what each star is wearing….ok, I guess I do watch them, but only for a teeny bit. Promise!

Let’s see, we’ve got the Tonys, the Oscars, People’s Choice, Grammys, Golden Globes, Obies, Emmys and the list goes on and on. Oh, there is also the SAG (Screen Actors Guild) awards, but actually anyone over 60 should be nominated for their personal SAG award, don’t you think? Actors, musicians, directors, producers and all of Hollywood’s “best of the best.” And we, (us common folk) are expected to “ooh and ahh” over their skills and talents. Remember the old days of “gag me with a spoon.” There’s a place for that saying here!

So where is John heading with this? A very perceptive question indeed. The answer lies in the invention or discovery of one more Awards Show. One more show, but will never be broadcast because…well, just because. The name of this Awards Show? Here it is…

THE COMMON PERSON’S AWARD. Here are the categories:

1. Longest Running Marriage Award: Congratulations to those men and women celebrating anywhere from 5- 75 years of wedded bliss and harmony. Someone once said that it takes two to tangle, should also know that it takes two to make it work. Marriage ain’t easy….just look at your celebrities…but the “for better or worse” thing is in the vows. Oh, by the way, “Deb, the better should be starting any day now.”

2. Best Mom and Dad Award: Congratulations to every Mom and Dad out there raising children today and teaching them to be responsible for their behavior. For spending time with them, even when you’re frazzled; for reading to them over and over the same book; for giving up some of your precious free time to just hang out with them; for remembering that you are called to be their parent and not necessarily their best friend.

3. Best Grandparents in the World Award: This is an interesting award because it goes to you grandparents who love to spoil your grandchildren. No exceptions, explanations or concerns about what the parents think. Your job is to spoil….period.

4. Best Neighbors Award: Congratulations to you neighbors who actually know just about everyone living near them…and kinda liking most of them. This award goes to those neighbors who smile, wave, help out a bit and even check up on their neighbors to make sure all is well. These neighbors help out when someone is ill, loses a loved one or otherwise just going through a rough time. A fresh baked, (or bought) pie, casserole or some chocolate chip cookies are just the thing these neighbors do to lighten the load, but not the waist.

5. The “Go To Work Everyday” Award: This award goes to those dedicated men and women who simply know it’s their personal moral code to go to work day in and day out. These people are smart enough to stay home when sick but also understand that when they’re missing from work, someone else has to pick up the load. They know they have a responsibility and they hold to it to the best of their ability.

6. The Volunteer in the Community Award” Volunteers are a key component in any community or small town. Pat yourself on the back if you are one of these kind of persons. Volunteering is kinda like “paying it forward” or simply doing those “random acts of kindnesses” on a regular basis. Whether it’s a structured organizational method of volunteering or it’s simply doing nice things for others without expecting anything in return, this award makes one feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

7. The “Glass is Half-Full” award goes to those individuals who make it a point to see the positive in everyone and every thing. They don’t complain just to complain or to avoid their own personal responsibility. These people believe in miracles, smiles, laughter, handshakes, hugs, unconditional love, encouragement, praise and compliments. They’re not too gung-ho on negative gossip, complaining, whining, cynicism or fault-finding.

There are many other awards to be presented but sad to say, we’ve run out of time, So as we close tonight, the biggest award of the night goes to YOU! Congratulations for a job well done. Now go look into the mirror and make your acceptance speech. Take as long as you want. And enjoy your moment and your life of the “Common Person’s” fame. It really doesn’t get any better than this. Be blest this week.

Let me know what you think at jsheda@indytel.com or call me at 319-327-4640. Remember God loves you and I’m really trying.