
Toledo Farmers Market

Dawn Troutner Toledo Market Master

Market Report for October 25th

It’s hard to believe this was the last market of the season. Don and Lori, Vernon and Wilma, Larry and Caryn, Dale and Elle, Chuck and Ginger, Dawn, Cheryl, Marie, Lois, Brenda and Ethan, Shirley, Freddie and Michael, Marv and his music, and Karen had tables full of produce and products to sell. Some of the items you missed out on if you didn’t attend the last Toledo Farmers Market was winter squash, beets, Chinese cabbage, apples, pears, watermelons, potatoes, tomatoes, fresh herbs, jams and jellies, eggs, popcorn, honey and honey products, leeks, kale, Swiss chard, garlic, hot peppers and sweet peppers, egg plant, pumpkins, gourds, radishes, ceramics, candles, pies, breads, pastries, noodles, snack mixes, cotton candy, onions, along with a heartfelt thank you and friendly see you in the spring from your favorite vendor.

Our little market is very successful. A big thank you goes to the vendors who work so hard to be there each and every week with produce and products for the community to purchase. I would also like to give a huge thank you to the community for supporting the Toledo Farmers Market. THANK YOU!!!!

A few customers asked ” what are you going to do on Friday nights now?” I will have withdraws at first, as I am sure everyone will. Now is the time to attend to the neglected household chores. But first one must clean off the gardens, plant the garlic, put away yard ornaments and garden tools, put away the tomato cages, turn the compost, plant a few spring bulbs, wrap the tender fruit trees, and organize the garden sheds. If weather permits a few repairs around the place need to be done. It is also time to dehydrate the herbs, hot peppers and finish up the last minute canning. As one is cleaning off the gardens you take a mental note of what you planted where and how it grew. I know I am planting the sweet potatoes in a more open area. Mental note: Easier to dig. Also a very large mental note: I do not need to plant 236 tomato plants next year. I think I will have tomatoes until Christmas. But first I think I will look at seed catalogs.

I hope everyone has a healthy and safe winter Again I want to thank each and everyone that helped make our market season a successful one. See you on May 2nd and the next 27 weeks after that.