Bill Faircloth opposes going to a five-member Board of Supervisors. He opposes it to the extent that he helped lead efforts to pass a resolution that would attempt to overturn the results of the 2022 ballot measure that transitions Tama County from 3 to 5 Supervisors. That would have been clearly illegal, as Iowa law prohibits the current 3-member board from passing this resolution, as was confirmed by Attorneys and the State Auditor’s Office. Voters approved that measure overwhelmingly by 62%! Bill was quoted in the North Tama Telegraph saying: “I’ve had two phone calls this morning already, people supporting this. I have talked to a lot of people in my district since this went in, this five-supervisor thing. And I have not talked to anyone that was for five supervisors. And I’ve talked to a lot of people.” His effort has backfired, and now in his re-election efforts Bill Faircloth unbelievably says that he “Will help with transition to 5 supervisors.” It is high time to get rid of the corruption in Tama County. This year voters in District 4 have a unique opportunity for a tremendous change in leadership. I sincerely ask you to support Mark Doland with your vote on June 4th Republican Primary for District 4 Tama
County Supervisor.
Annette Murty Kotouc
Toledo, Iowa