Letter to the Editor: To the Citizens of Tama County, both north and south

Over 2 years ago I became a part of a large organization formed in northern Tama Co. to stave off development and sales, loss of our precious farmland, to huge China Tech Companies. Tama County Against Turbines formed to protect all of our county, as contracts were/are being signed. Many landowners were giving 30 year rights to their land to several “company names-developers” who will take farm ground out of production of food. These salesmen represent big international countries who want Iowa.
To gain insight and be informed, many members of TCAT have been attending weekly meetings held in the South Tama Supervisors Room, and at other places as well. Because of our presence, we hear and see comments and question a majority of decisions made, usually within a 2 hour session. Our concerns have included financial decisions that affect All Tax Payers, in all of Tama Co.
In March we were presented with the “first in Iowa” Mandated Rules by the H.R. Director. In May 2024 the 8 pages of rules to be legally binding were approved by 2 of 3 supervisors, Curt Hilmer voted no. According to all federal and national surveys sent to me, these rules infringe on the right of free speech, public comment and input, and the ability to question or represent Tama County residents at all public meetings. All the meeting agendas are approved by the H.R. Director.
We have a Primary Election on June 4th, Tuesday, to vote new public servants into office. Polling locations are at various sites. All legal residents of Tama Co. belong to 1 of 5 Districts, and you can find out your district by calling the Tama County Auditor Office at 641-484-3980.
After attending hundreds of meeting, my personal suggestions for consideration of honest, caring public servants, who will work for we the people, not themselves, who will be transparent, and approachable, who will guard our financial dollars, appropriately be accountable in ethics, are as follows:
-District 1: Curt Hilmer or Randie Brodigan
-District 2: David Turner
-District 3: Heather Knebel
-District 4: Mark Doland
-District 5: Lonika Utterback or Curt Kupka
Perhaps others are well able to serve, but these folks have taken the time to come to meetings, be questioned and interviewed openly, by us often. They have gained our trust to try to do a better job in all of Tama County, Iowa. Our heart of Iowa location and prime farm ground, reflects on our neighboring counties as well, the examples we set in leadership.
Karen Husak Murty
Toledo, Iowa