
Letter to the Editor: Brenna Bird’s big blunder

Brenna Bird showed up at the Trump Rally in Coralville a few days ago and this is what she found. A candidate that though indicted four times and with 91 charges, saying he loves certain football players, e.g. Matt Whitaker, who served a whopping four months as Trump’s federal AG’s sycophant, reminiscent of Nixon’s firing his own special counsel to get off the hook. Old Matt can’t be blamed as a football player he probably has a little too much of the Marquess of Queensbury going on from one too many lumps received on the gridiron, but what’s Ms. Bird’s excuse?

AG Bird is the top law enforcement in Iowa, and excuse me if I noticed that Trump is under indictment for doing the worst thing an elected official can do, complicit in inciting an insurrection. Why didn’t Jack Smith go all the way with charging treason I’ll never get? Kudos to Gov. Reynolds for “not going along to get along.” If you don’t remember this, 30 days from now in the primary, at least remember this when that AG comes up for re-election.

Unseemly yes, can anyone say impeachment?

John Anderson
