

Trials and testing

I recently attended a funeral of two great saints of God. Each had lived very long lives. One had lived to an age of 100 years and the other to an age of 106. The reflection was not on the trials and testing that each of these saints had endured, but on the blessings they both had received and ...

State funding for community colleges: What does it mean?

The legislative session for 2012 has now closed. Not to anyone's surprise, funding for education was a critical topic of discussion and compromise. The general public hears about a wide spectrum of related issues and I am frequently asked: "What exactly are the legislators talking about?" ...

The Truth about Postal Reform

Now that US Senate has passed a bill, S 1789, to reform the ailing US Postal Service, critics are trying to disable the bill on its way to the House of Representatives. Business Week recently catalogued unhappy stakeholders, including postal unions, postal management and some Republicans who ...

Bullying the farm kid

It's a parent's nightmare; seeing your child bullied for standing up for his lifestyle or what he believes. When your child is targeted or ridiculed by another child, you see it as an opportunity for intervention; teach appropriate behavior so each child comes to appreciate their differences ...

The Truth about Postal Reform

Now that US Senate has passed a bill, S 1789, to reform the ailing US Postal Service, critics are trying to disable the bill on its way to the House of Representatives. Business Week recently catalogued unhappy stakeholders, including postal unions, postal management and some Republicans who ...

National School Board Recognition Week May 6-12

Everyone should join school systems throughout the state to salute their local education leaders during Iowa's annual School Board Member Recognition Week May 6-12.The commemorative week is designed to recognize the contributions made by Iowa's more than 1,900 local school board members, ...

“Sowing the Seeds for Success” of their students

Volunteer school board members spend thousands of hours each year analyzing budgets, monitoring student achievement data, adopting effective policies and making key decisions to ensure that each Iowa student receives an excellent education.The Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB) invites ...

Role of the State of Iowa Long Term Care Ombudsman

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself - I am Deanna Clingan-Fischer, a lawyer, an advocate, and the current State of Iowa Long-Term Care Ombudsman. I served as the Legal Services Developer for the Iowa Department on Aging for a little over 21 years. During that time, I was a ...

Iowa Valley: Long-term partner to Workforce Development

Iowa's local workforce infrastructure is designed with partnerships between locally identified partners and Iowa Workforce Development. Iowa Valley Community College District serves as a partner for Marshall, Hardin, Poweshiek and Tama counties. The partner is selected locally by the Regional ...

“It’s time to plant corn”

Greetings from under the Golden Dome, This is the time of year at the Capitol when the tea leaves become particularly hard to read. Everyone has their own thoughts on when we will finish our work down here and these thoughts change hourly. As of today we have only had organizational meetings ...