

The Palestinian “Win”

(Dennis Lamb retired from the CIA in 2002 after serving 30 years in its Directorate of Operations as a Case Officer and as an Intelligence Analyst. He is a native of Chelsea.)As predicted, Palestinian National Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas won "nonmember observer state" status from the ...

Remembering Pearl Harbor

December 7, 2012, marks the 71st anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the day that does in fact live "in infamy." For on that fateful day in history, America suffered great loss: 3,500 dead or wounded, more than 350 aircraft destroyed and 18 ships sunk or severely damaged.Many dark days ...

A smarter way to grade America’s high schools

Everyone agrees that America's high schools need to do a better job of preparing students to be "college- and career-ready." But the big problem is, how do we get them to do that?One state has just come up with a bold solution - and it could serve as a model for education reform throughout the ...

Defending Liberty and the Second Amendment

The Second Amendment is once again under attack as many liberals and progressives are calling for new gun control measures in the aftermath of tragic shootings such as the incident which occurred at an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater. The argument being made is that stricter gun control laws ...

Entitlements to die for

With the recent election we are now assured that the "Affordable Health Care Act" will now be fully implemented as an additional entitlement. We are given a false sense of security that health care, along with Medicare / Medicaid and Social Security have become entitlements for every citizen to ...

November- A season of philanthropy

The month of November has traditionally been a time for Iowans to count their blessings. A usually bountiful harvest, the gathering of family and friends to enjoy Thanksgiving holiday feasts, and even the final football games of the season combine to invite reflection on the goodness of life. ...

Be Kind, Kindness Matters

To all of the folks in our neighborhood, our community, and our families and to ourselves, be kind. This has been another year of hardships, sadness, helplessness and loss of hope.I believe we are able to overcome these times together. Many folks are out there daily helping others and animals ...

Iowa Valley reaches out to candidates

The establishment of an Iowa comprehensive community college system was created in 1965 as the result of legislation called "The Area Vocational Schools Act." During that time, members of the Iowa Legislature recognized the need to create a "merged area" educational system as the result of a ...

They Did Their Share

On Veteran's Day we honorSoldiers who protect our nation.For their service as our warriors,They deserve our admiration.Some of them were drafted;Some were volunteers;For some it was just yesterday;For some it's been many years;In the jungle or the desert,On land or on the sea,They did whatever ...

All quiet on the Iranian front

Editor's Note:Dennis Lamb retired from the CIA?in 2002 after serving 30 years in its Directorate of Operations as a Case Officer and as an Intelligence Analyst. He is a native of Chelsea. This opinion piece was orignally written for publication prior to the Nov. 6 General Election. Space ...