

Inside the Iowa House: Despite Strong Opposition, Governor Signs Voucher Bill

Despite Iowans speaking out in record numbers in opposition, Governor Reynolds signed her voucher bill into law on Tuesday. The bill, which takes away resources from public schools and gives it to private schools instead, takes effect quickly for new kids entering private schools in the Fall of ...

Truckers Against Trafficking

Human trafficking is modern-day slavery. This ugly and despicable crime is, unfortunately, happening every day across the country, including in the state of Iowa. The trucking industry is one of many transportation partners actively involved in the fight against human trafficking. With ...

Insights on the school budget process

Public schools in Iowa are required to have their school board adopt a budget and have it submitted to the county auditor by April 15 each year. One of the main purposes of the budget is to set the maximum level of expenditures the district intends to spend in the next fiscal year. As a citizen ...

A cameo 2022 review, peek into `23 and hope for change

The Hartford Courant is the oldest US newspaper in continuous publication with its Oct. 29, 1764 issue. Most likely it was the first newspaper to publish a year-in-review article. What has become a year-in-review newspaper industry tradition, Dec. 15’s Wall Street Journal 26 page special ...

Are you thinking of becoming a substitute in your child’s school?

Are you thinking about being a substitute teacher? There are some fantastic advantages to being a substitute such as not having to worry about lesson planning or grading. In addition, it only takes a moment to make a lasting impression and difference in a child’s life. Impacting a student may ...

Holidays: an opportunity to help others in need

Thankfully we are five weeks past the 2022 midterm election. I can hear many voters exuding a sigh of relief and shouting after $17 billion was spent on disinformation, misinformation, and the occasional truthful political ad, “yes, finally, the election is over.” Normal life – I think ...

Brain Science: Its Failure in Gun Violence, Mass Shootings

Hate, vengeance, revenge, feeling offended, intention, satisfaction, and so on are experiences. These experiences are based on and coordinated by the brain. The brain is an organ of experiences, not just one of cells and molecules. The brain gives what is experienced, to the degree and when. It ...

Rural Iowa should brace for school ‘vouchers’

It won’t be long before empty parking spaces near the Iowa Capitol will be as hard to find as a compromise between Democrats and Republicans. The Legislature returns to Des Moines on Jan. 9, more firmly in Republican control than it was on May 24, when this year’s session ended. With ...

Republicans next move: rewrite the US Constitution

While the Nov. 8 midterm election has passed, several ballot tabulations, recounts, and court challenges are in the works. Should election results show that Republicans control an abundance of state legislatures, don’t be surprised if GOP’s next move will be to call for a U.S. ...