
Iowa Caucuses Count

I strongly suggest that all Iowans consider participating in the upcoming Iowa Caucuses on Monday, January 15, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. Both Democrats and Republicans “caucus” separately in their local precincts to perform basic party functions.

Although the 2024 Democratic caucuses have not received the publicity that the Republican caucuses have to date, the importance of a functioning two party system is important. The format of the Democratic presidential preference ballot has been modified. The state party website (https://iowademocrats.org/caucus/) is the best source for up-to-date information like caucus locations and how to request a mail-in presidential preference ballot. There is also a help line at (515) 216-3893.

Electing volunteers to serve as a delegate to the county convention or serve on the county central committee is an additional way to participate. Another is suggesting a proposed plank for the party platform. Young people and visitors are also welcome to observe their local caucus.

Iowans need to realize that the first in the nation caucuses have in recent history been a great venue which has shaped the future and history of our country.

There is a lot that could happen between now and next November including perhaps an interesting Democratic convention in Chicago in August. Attending your local caucus is the best way to start.

Editor’s note: The state Democratic party had not updated the caucus locations for Tama County in time for publication in this newspaper. Kennan Seda or Glen Salisbury is slated to be the temporary chair of a Tama Co. caucus to be held at the North Tama Schools lunch room located at 605 Walnut Street, Traer. Enter via the main entrance on Sixth Street.