
What is the measure of Human Beings?

You are worth a Kings’ ransom

You are worth the whole universe

You are worth everything to me.

Be worth everything to yourself…

You may not see yourself as worthwhile

Cause you See yourself as worthiess

You take wrong turns to convince Yourself

That you are worth nothing to others

There is no pick, that one person is worthy

That one person is less worthy

Or that anyone is worthless

There is no measure of who is worthy or not.

Honor yourself

Honor the innocent animals & the innocent Human beings

Who do not see worth in others or themselves?

What is the measure of Human beings”‘

Today we are in a society that measures

The worth Of you & others.

Those that measure are worthwhile but are they worthy?

Are we going to continue to allow this measuring

That causes the human spirit to feel worthless?

Be brave, believe

Be strong & honor

Be the spirit of Hope

Be loved & love.

For the measure of Human Beings is



Be kind to yourself & others

Jeannie Sieck
