Carols, festive sweaters, and holiday cheer fill the Wieting
- The Eternal Rock Church Youth Singers clapped and brought plenty of energy to their performance. The group even won an ugly sweater award in the category of “Cutest.” PHOTO BY JONATHAN MEYER
- Event organizer Darvin Graham, joined by STC choir director John Loos, performed a beautiful duet together on the stage. Graham is a self described “choir kid” whose love of singing and performing has always stuck. This love of singing and the holidays led to the inception of the event. PHOTO BY JONATHAN MEYER
- Allison Graham welcomed the 60+ community members who came to the sing-along! PHOTO BY JONATHAN MEYER
- Mike Groh belts out a beautiful note in “Mary Did You Know?” Groh was joined by Pam Dennen on piano in the performance. PHOTO BY JONATHAN MEYER
- Illuminated by candle lights, attendees gathered in a circle to sing final songs. PHOTO BY JONATHAN MEYER
- With well over 40 years of service in education Anita Townsley has told stories to generations of kids. Townsley read aloud a Christmas themed story for those in attendance as children gathered around her. PHOTO BY JONATHAN MEYER
- Charlie Betz was awarded the “Best local theme” in the ugly sweater contest. Betz had a sweater custom made showcasing the “ho ho Hole” in the Lincoln Highway Bridge. When given the award Betz exclaimed “Don’t make me wear this again next year!” PHOTO BY JONATHAN MEYER
- Pianist Jenny Hulme of rural Clutier provides accompaniment on Saturday, Dec. 21, in Toledo at the Wieting Theatre for the first first-ever Ugly Sweater Sing-Along Night, a community event that blended caroling with variety show performances and a festive soup supper. The event was rescheduled from the previous Saturday due to the ice storm. PHOTO BY JONATHAN MEYER

Mike Groh belts out a beautiful note in “Mary Did You Know?” Groh was joined by Pam Dennen on piano in the performance. PHOTO BY JONATHAN MEYER
TOLEDO – Carols, poems, pianos, guitars, readings, soups, sweets and so much more were bursting out at the Wieting Theater last Saturday.
An idea community member and former News Chronicle Editor Darvin Graham had for some time finally came into reality. With the help of his wife Allison (also a former Tama-Grundy Publishing news editor) and the Wieting Theater Guild — specifically Michelle Evans – a date was set for Saturday, Dec. 14.
Unfortunately, no amount of Christmas cheer could override mother nature and the plans of the weather. The night before the original event freezing rain slickened cement and led to the event being rescheduled one week. With a new date of the 21st, two groups had to withdraw from performing; however most everything else translated into the next week smoothly.
With favorable conditions, holly jolly town folk made their way to the Wieting for a soup supper preceding the event. Greeted by Santa and the faint sound of holiday music coming from inside the theater, the event was underway.
Those wearing ugly sweaters were encouraged to enter a contest, with multiple categories being offered. Contestants had their picture taken and were judged during intermission by Cathy Cook and Lori Baier.

Event organizer Darvin Graham, joined by STC choir director John Loos, performed a beautiful duet together on the stage. Graham is a self described “choir kid” whose love of singing and performing has always stuck. This love of singing and the holidays led to the inception of the event. PHOTO BY JONATHAN MEYER
The event was a mix of both group caroling and performances by different individuals and groups. Song books put together by Darvin had a multitude of songs, with the idea of being used for years to come.
Alison Graham served as the emcee, a calming voice and a familiar face served as a guide through the night’s festivities.
Many musicians were involved in the evening, including the main pianist, Jenny Hulme. A product of STC, Hulme plays piano for some area Catholic Parishes, along with working as the Tama County extension and outreach coordinator, among many other “gigs.”
Classic songs of both religious and non-religious meanings were sung. Classics like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Joy to the World, Silver Bells, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, and Deck the Halls were all on the list for group songs.
New STC Choir director John Loos offered up some of his talents singing and playing piano in a few songs. Loos on piano joined Darvin Graham on guitar to collectively sing “Christmas for Cowboys.”

Allison Graham welcomed the 60+ community members who came to the sing-along! PHOTO BY JONATHAN MEYER
Mary Fasse-Shaw read “A visit from St. Nicholas”, while Jon Huebner read “To Mrs K____, On Her Sending Me an English Christmas Plum-Cake at Paris.”
Other musical guests included Mike Groh and Pam Dennen who performed a beautiful rendition of modern christmas staple “Mary Did You Know?”
In a beautiful display of Tama-Toledo’s diversity, the Eternal Rock Youth Singers performed “Noche de paz.” Accompanied by Keiler Alvarado, the group transitioned from their first piece into Feliz Navidad and welcomed the crowd to join them in song.
STC Elementary school counselor Anita Townsley read “The Lost Gift: A Christmas Story” to a group of children who joined her on stage. The book’s message was about empathy and thoughtfulness, just in time for the holidays.
Before the event concluded, several winners were announced for the ugly sweater contest.

The Eternal Rock Church Youth Singers clapped and brought plenty of energy to their performance. The group even won an ugly sweater award in the category of “Cutest.” PHOTO BY JONATHAN MEYER
The top award was given in the category “Work of Art” and was won by Keiler Alvarado.
Allison Graham dealt out a big thank you at the end of the night.
“We can’t end the night without thanking several people who made this happen. I’d like to start with Darvin because he’s been the mastermind behind this. I know I’ve been the one up here with the mic all night but he really did all the work to make it happen,” she said. “One of our passions together is community and creating community and that’s what this is. We couldn’t have done it without people wanting to be here as well. Thank you to everyone for showing up and bringing people together in the Christmas spirit.”
To end the night everyone in attendance joined together in a circle and sang “We Wish You a Merry Christmas,” “Silent Night,” and “Auld Lang Syne” before the event concluded.
Darvin Graham spoke excitedly about the local elements after the event.

With well over 40 years of service in education Anita Townsley has told stories to generations of kids. Townsley read aloud a Christmas themed story for those in attendance as children gathered around her. PHOTO BY JONATHAN MEYER
“It was nice to showcase something from Tama-Toledo. We could easily go and get musicians from Des Moines or wherever else around, but that local feeling just takes things up a notch,” he said.
After a successful first go around, the Grahams look forward to the next iteration of the event and hope it becomes a yearly staple of the community.

Pianist Jenny Hulme of rural Clutier provides accompaniment on Saturday, Dec. 21, in Toledo at the Wieting Theatre for the first first-ever Ugly Sweater Sing-Along Night, a community event that blended caroling with variety show performances and a festive soup supper. The event was rescheduled from the previous Saturday due to the ice storm. PHOTO BY JONATHAN MEYER

Illuminated by candle lights, attendees gathered in a circle to sing final songs. PHOTO BY JONATHAN MEYER

Charlie Betz was awarded the “Best local theme” in the ugly sweater contest. Betz had a sweater custom made showcasing the “ho ho Hole” in the Lincoln Highway Bridge. When given the award Betz exclaimed “Don’t make me wear this again next year!” PHOTO BY JONATHAN MEYER