
Sidewalks, People Rides, and volunteers needed

This week’s Tama City Council meeting

This week’s Tama City Council meeting started with a subject discussed last week at the Toledo City Council meeting; the Visioning Committee’s safe routes to school grant application and funding. The council received a brief explanation of what would happen and where the planned sidewalks and trails would be placed. The council decided to move forward with the project without a firm commitment of a specified local match and will wait for the committee to return with a resolution.

Marty Wymore, who had just spoken on behalf of the visioning committee, was up again as he spoke to the council about the People Rides program. The People Rides public transit bus service has been in operation in Tama County for decades. The service charges its passengers $3 for a ride and has provided 1,000 rides annually to the community.

Funding for the program is running out, and if it does not receive approximately $11,400 by April of 2025, the program will have to shut down in Tama County. The council took no action on this agenda item but will look into funding or partially funding the program’s needs.

The street finance report was read and approved.

Tama Reserve Officer Chris Harris is finishing his Police Certification, and with this comes a pay raise. Harris’ pay will also be raised because he is a certified advanced EMT. Harris’ wage will increase to $13 an hour.

The Sept. 2 Tama Council meeting was changed to Sept. 9.

This year’s Halloween activities were discussed, and plans started to form, as the tentative date of Oct. 19 was chosen for the big day. Volunteers will be desperately needed to help with the event.

The council approved moving forward and joining the Chamber of Commerce’s idea for Jolly Lights at the Heights. This will be a drive through holiday light display at Toledo Heights Park starting late November and going through part of December. A Tama Emergency Services display is a possibility. Volunteers will be needed.