
Wastewater and the public works director

This week’s Tama City Council meeting

Monday’s Tama City Council meeting started with the approval of legal action. Lopez Construction, a company that acquired a property on John Street from the city, has done nothing with the lot. The council approved taking action to reacquire the property and again list it for sale.

A public hearing regarding the Sewer Waste Water Generator resulted in no comments. A resolution was approved to go ahead with the proposed plans for the generator. Bids for the project were considered, and the council approved going with Van Maanen for approximately $169,000.

A resolution to approve the approximately $360,000 agreement with the Iowa DOT for the 5th Street realignment project was approved. Payment for Michelle and Kinley Jimenez’s Civic Center cleaning duties was approved.

Only one application was received for the position of Public Works Director. That application belonged to Stuart Eisentrager, who was hired for the position. After a brief discussion, it was decided by the majority of the council that he would be paid $40 an hour.

It was approved to repair the wastewater plant’s clarifier that has broken down. Plans for possible replacements and improvements for the 30-year-old plant are being planned.

It was approved for EMS to advertise for a part-time advanced provider, which is needed more now due to the doubled call volume in recent months.

Bryce Timm was approved to become a member of the Tama Fire Department.