The short agenda
This week’s Toledo City Council Meeting
This week’s Toledo City Council meeting was over and done with in a flash as the council rocketed through its short list of items. The main bit of business was the approval of Shane Manfull to the Tama-Toledo Aquatic Center board.
Up next was a discussion about a possible grant for the police department. The topic was tabled until they have more details.
The public works department reported that the new tractor is in and is working well. The pool has been filled and is ready for the summer.
The park is fixed up, and the team has been mowing a lot. Several of the guys have also been studying to become certified to use the mosquito sprayer.
The city attorney reported that last week several cases of nuisance abatement were taken to court. They will check back in with the homeowners in July.
Police Chief Dan Quigley reported that between April 22 and May 12, the Toledo Police Department responded to 266 calls to service, which resulted in 14 arrests. Coffee with a Cop went well, and many good conversations were had. The Chief hopes to host more similar events in the future and is working on getting some activities from the Iowa State Patrol and Blank’s Children’s Hospital, for the Stoplight Festival.
The department was awarded a grant, $7,000 of which will go to traffic enforcement overtime reimbursement and one thousand for equipment. The equipment bought with the grant money will be some fatal vision goggles aka drunk goggles, to inform and show people the dangers of drinking and driving.
There are also two possible people in the works to fill the open officer position at the department.