
A whole bunch of swearing in going on

This week’s Tama Council meeting

Mayor Brian Hanus being sworn into office. PHOTO BY MICHAEL CLAUS DAVIS

TAMA – This week’s Tama council meeting marked the second reading of the traffic camera ordinance. Once again, no one showed up to voice any opinion on the subject for or against the ordinance. The second reading passed, and the third reading will be held at the Jan. 8 meeting if anyone out there finally decides to weigh in on it.

The council approved the real estate contract to buy the Tama Paper Mill property. The contract had been changed to Iowa Law, and a phase one environmental study was done. The property was bought for $100. They also waived the contract contingency. It was decided the water tower would stay and act as a surge or overflow tank. The tower can also be used for the Fire Department.

Three new ambulance members were approved. Jordyn Cremeans and Trudey Nekola will be drivers, and Amanda Morris is a paramedic. It was also approved for a wifi booster to be purchased for EMS.

Currently, in some areas around the county, EMS workers lose their signal. With this new wifi booster, the ambulance workers will be able to work more efficiently and be able to contact the hospital quicker. Bargain hunter, sales seeker, and clearance bandit Jimmy Hicklin found the wifi booster for the low low price of $1,400. Jimmy also told the council that EMS is averaging 25-30 transfers a month and has had 910 calls for the year.

Towards the end of the meeting, a bit of swearing went on at the front of the room. Brian Hanus was sworn in as mayor. Then he turned around and swore in the new and re-elected council members, Danny Robinson Jr., Michelle Jiminez, Kristy Eisentrager, and Larry Thomas.

Council member Michelle Jiminez being sworn in. PHOTO BY MICHAEL CLAUS DAVIS

There was also going to be a presentation of recognition for the outgoing council members, but as neither of them showed up, the presentation was skipped. Nonetheless, the council publicly thanked them for their service.

The public works department has started work on 9th Street.

The clerk has started working on the budget.

The water department fixed a water main break on Sunday.

The wastewater department just got brand new pumps, but the grinder broke.

Re-elected council member Larry Thomas being sworn in. PHOTO BY MICHAEL CLAUS DAVIS

Nuisance Officer Jamie Youngbear has a list of properties he’ll be working on after Christmas.

The council changed the rate of nuisance snow removal and lawn care to $250.

Council member Danny Robinson Jr. being sworn in. PHOTO BY MICHAEL CLAUS DAVIS

Council member Kristy Eisentrager being sworn in. PHOTO BY MICHAEL CLAUS DAVIS