
The Haunted House haggle

This week’s Tama County Supervisors Meeting

This Monday started with the usual ol’ group of locals scraping the morning frost off their windshields before heading up to see what the Tama County Supervisors were approving this week. The meeting kicked off with the usual boot as the Tama County Engineer gave his weekly report.

The department is gearing up for winter, putting all their ducks in a row before the snow starts to fall. Work on the K Avenue bridge is ever moving forward, and four funding agreements were signed and approved to replace some wooden box culverts with concrete.

Kelly Smith was approved by the Supervisors to be appointed to the Compensation Board for Recorder.

Rob Fattig and a partner got approval for the tax sale of a derelict Chelsea home following a bit of negotiation with the Supervisors. After much discussion of the current run-down look of the domicile, it was joked that this reporter shouldn’t make the headline ‘haunted house in Chelsea.’

Claims totaling $195,958.99 were approved.