
Elberon Auxiliary plans upcoming events

ELBERON – The Elberon American Legion Auxiliary Unit 226 met Nov. 9. President, Lorraine Vileta called the meeting to order. The minutes of the October meeting were read by Secretary, Norma Riha. Treasurer, Pat Sauer gave the financial report. Both reports were approved as read.

Communications included: A letter from the Benton Community Schools inviting the Elberon Legion and Auxiliary to participate in the Veterans Day program to be held on Nov. 10.

The Unit also received a note from Tama County president, Diane Caloud that there will be a tour of the rug making area at the Iowa Veterans Home on Jan. 18, 2024. Meet there at 12:30 p.m.

New Business included signing thinking of you cards for Lynne Kasal and Lois Stull. The Auxiliary discussed membership. Have just a few members to renew for this coming year.

The Auxiliary will have a bake sale with the Nov. 17 Elberon Fire and Rescue Fish Fry. Prices for the baked items were discussed.

The December meeting will be Dec. 7 with the Christmas luncheon at the Chinese restaurant in Toledo.

Door prize was won by Sauer.

Vileta served lunch.