
Area Women’s Club hosts November meeting

ELBERON — The Elberon Area Women’s Club met Nov. 20 with five members present. President, Norma Riha called the meeting to order. Secretary, Amanda Nettesheim gave a report on the October meeting and treasurer, Doris Parizek gave the financial report. Both approved as read.

The group put artificial trees in the planters. Some will be decorated and a couple still need to be moved.

The Elberon Community Center wants to replace the gas stove in the kitchen. The group approved donating money towards the new stove.

The annual scholarship was discussed and Parizek will notify the area schools that have students with Elberon addresses that it will be available.

Thinking of you cards were signed for Lynne Kasal and Pat Carroll Nekola.

The Women’s Club will have a bake sale with the March 15, 2024 Elberon Fire and Rescue Fish Fry.

The Christmas luncheon will be Dec. 18 at the Lincoln cafe in Belle Plaine at 11:30 a.m. The club will have selection of officers at that time.

Marilyn Silhanek furnished lunch.